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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Michigan recruits have big mouths, I mentioned earlier that the qb they have coming in has a big ass mouth with no body to back it and will most likely end up killed before his career is over haha.
  2. Well I don't know if they were steals or if USC simply didn't have the space for them due to the sanctions. I was listening and the announcers said everyone though UCLA would be the team that'd get all the kids USC couldn't fit in their classes but its been Cal doing it. They landed a nice WR as well. The 2013 game of OSU vs Cal could be an interesting matchup as both are adding good talent to the rosters.
  3. Good call, seems like a smart and likeable kid
  4. Berry most likely an Okie State guy, you add Spence in with Washington and Schutt plus Pittman and that dline is gonna be scary for the next 3-5 years
  5. Adolpheus Washington looked quick in the first half
  6. Lol thanks Sean, I think it'd look good at your house personally.
  7. Somone make me an offer, already tired of seeing this in my shop lol
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSNnuiT0qek Poor Phil, now who will I have to argue with about sports with...guess I'll have to resort to shit talking with him on FB
  9. Well compared to steel, concrete is soft...which one would you rather be hit by lol. Back in highschool we played on some fields that when you landed you felt like you was hitting cement, dirt dries up and becomes hard. I didn't know OSU had so many games next year on the artificial shit so that might help him some, but he still has to recover from the surgery to begin with
  10. If anyone is interested in this just shoot me a text or call 740-814-3936
  11. I just wonder what kind of push from his legs he will have and what sort of injury proness will come as a result of the surgery...
  12. No I was talking about his playing days beyond OSU, if there are any. It'll be interesting to see how he recovers and to see if he is even able to play next year.
  13. soft grass/turf? Maybe in september after a good rain lol, football fields are definitley not soft. I can't tell you how many times I had shin splits due to the hard ass football fields. The artificial shit like in OSU's stadium isn't that bad, i've played on the field right behind the shoe which has the same stuff as the actual field. However not every school has that stuff. If Williams comes back and is a beast, then great. OSU would have one hell of a d-line rotation next year, I just don't think its going to happen. I guess only time will tell
  14. You repeatedly attempt to take my head off, blantantly knock me to the ground and then laugh about it...I'm taking your ass out the very first chance I get. That shit is bush league, especially in highschool. Not only should that dude have his head taken off, but his head coach should be beaten by the other kids parent for allowing one of his players to continue being an asshole. If fatty was my son, I'd beat his ass in front of the entire team just to make a point. Its one thing to be hard nosed and a rugged type player, its another thing to be an asshole simply because your the heaviest guy on the court. Most of those fouls were nothing major, the biggest complaint from me is the smiling about it. That sort of shows he has no care for others safety or rules simply because he is fatter then everyone else. I went to elementary and middle school with a kid much like the fatty in the video. He would pick on damn near everyone because they were so much smaller then him. Everyone feared him simply because he was 200lbs to our 98lbs in 3rd grade. Highschool comes around and he is still 5'8 200lbs attempting to talk shit to others. Needless to say it lasted a good 10 seconds for him vs a kid that grew up to be bigger then him and had taken enough of his shit. One punch to the mouth, a busted lip later and embarrassment of the entire lunch room and he was done trying to bully people lol.
  15. Are you insinuating that football is less stress on the legs then basketball? I would again have to disagree as your coming from a down position rather then standing upwards the entire game. The constant bending of the knee will not help Williams case. I can name off a couple NBA players recovered from it, but that doesn't change the fact that its about 80% rate of those that don't come back to 100% BTW when did Bowers have this microfracture surgery, as of April right before the draft he hadn't had it... http://espn.go.com/blog/nfcnorth/post/_/id/26225/have-at-it-looking-beyond-daquan-bowers There was rumors that he would eventually need it, but as far as I know he still has yet to go through with it. It actually cost him a lot of money becasue teams felt he would need it and wouldn't be the same player. Hell the kid went from a top 5 pick preseason by many "experts" to falling to a mid 2nd rounder
  16. Winning! Fatty is probablly the same type of kid that walks through the hallways of his school chucking kids out of his way. The same type of kid that will not get any bigger as he grows older, will become a bar hopper and pipe off to the wrong dude, who in return will beat the ever living shit out of him. The next team that plays fatty should send in their biggest guy just to undercut fat fuck when he attempts a layup. That is if he can get that big ass more then 2inches off the ground.
  17. So a bruised knee has ruined his career? Interesting. The Micrrofracture surgery is the culprit in why the kid has been a bust in the NBA. Look what you just posted, he's had microfracture surgery on BOTH of his knees, again this procedure is known to end careers and I don't see it being any different for Nathan Williams. FWIW Williams is one of my favorite players on this team as he plays with the same motor as Simon. I think a lot of people are going to be dissapointed when he doesn't perform to the level he did the last 2 years before injury.
  18. ^^ Exactly, they are never 100% of what they once were. Stoudemire while good was not nearly as explosive as he was before the surgery. Odens knee problems all go back to the microfracture surgery, the broken wrist while at OSU was completely seperate.
  19. Word is Williams injury is one that people dont fully recover from. Its the same injury that Greg Oden had, so I wouldn't expect Williams to be a starter or even be half of what he once was
  20. I should've said "offered", I also heard grades were an issue with Pead during his recruitment. Spence got tackled on one play like 3 damn times haha, kid looked real good.
  21. I agree with LJ and Juiced h22 plus all others that think fat fuck is just fat and unathletic. I would also say that the dude who posted this video just wants attention or whatever, I get hacked on harder then that in a tuesday night church league that I just started playing in lol. Atleast no punches were thrown and no one was seriously hurt.
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