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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Yeah how on earth can the likes of Indiana, Illinois and Northwestern compete with such powerhouses as Vanderbilt, Kentucky, Ole Miss, Mississippi St....every conference has bottom feeders lol. I am not disputing that LSU and Alabama are good teams, however up until Saban arrived at Alabama they were not that great, Auburn is like Penn State to men, 1 year they are really good, the next they arent. Btw its Illinois no e OSU had a pretty decent schedule this year, they faced or will have faced 6 teams in the top 25. The big 10 wasn't horrible this year. The only thing helping the SEC is the fact that they have the top 3 teams in the BCS currently, took a lot of help from other teams losing though. You know what the best part about this news today has been? The fact that its gotten this thread to go from the Josh, Tilley, LJ, Bircranium and Phil thread into a free for all, royal rumble, internet fight til the death thread haha
  2. I don't buy the month and a half off thing either, Florida had nearly the same amount of time off as OSU. It was plain and simple, OSU lost Ginn on the 1st play of the game (had no deep threat the rest of the game), stopped running the ball (for reasons beyond my knowledge) and supposedly Troy Smith and Gonzo had a pregame fight due to Gonzo learning of Smith banging his gf....add that to the fact that Florida played a perfect game as you mentioned and it was a perfect recipe for a debacle in the desert
  3. OSU fans/bot/medi>anything in Florida. Hell why Florida even has sports teams is beyond me, its a bunch of old people concerned about retirement more then sports. fact! So you're basing your "florida is a harder job then OSU" argument on the fact that OSU lost to Florida? So I guess by the same token the Auburn job is harder then the Oregon job, the USC job is harder then the Oklahoma job ect....? People in this same thread have said OSU is a top 3 job in the country, you don't think top 3 level stress comes with that job? Florida wasn't even mentioned in that debate lol.
  4. The hard part to understand is if you actually believe the OSU job is easier then the one at Florida or not. I like Tebow, don't think i've ever disputed that....I do have a poster of Urban under my side of the bed.
  5. Again I understand how it works, really its not even the fact of Utah and BGSU, its the Florida thing that made me dislike him the most. You're not healthy, then you are, then your team isn't as good as everyone thought (pre season #4), now you're having health issues again, but in a year you've healed up enough to leave your family (another reason you walked away) and take on an even more stressful job....
  6. Umm isn't that the same thing I posted, and then me and Tilley countered by asking if you was serious. Maybe it's you that doesn't read very well to go along with your lack of math skills....just saying. You also stated he had a heart attack, yeah that never happened, google it if you want. He had chest pains from stress supposedly, thats definitley not a heart attack, but if it makes you feel better inside we'll call it one. No one said Urban couldn't recruit, I just said I don't like some of the tactics he used to persuade recruits. I will never say "Urban is the man", so don't worry about that. Tress was at YSU for 7 years? I am well aware that coaches use small schools to move up, however its just lame that he chose to do it once his star players were gone. That is my #1 gripe with Meyer, not the fact that he left BGSU or Utah, but how he was gone as soon as his best player was gone as well, and then appeared to have followed suit at Florida once Tebow was gone and he realized "oh fuck maybe Jeff Brantley isn't that good". Now if you'll excuse me I must go back to cutting myself after hearing the news about Urban, I mean after all I am an "emo fan"...
  7. Yeah check out their scout forum its blowing up with more hatred and venom being spewed then I could ever think of spouting off lol. If Urban last longer then 3 years i'll not only be suprised, i'll be eating crow, so be it lol. If Urban turns Braxton into Tim Tebow(ish, like) then again i'll be suprised and eating crow. If Urban wins a NC i'll be celebrating, but then i'll quickly go back to not liking the guy lol. I just find it funny that when talking about Urban no one but me remembers his 9-3, 9-4 and 8-5 records. Sure he had 3 others where he went 13-1, but again fans will grill him the first time he has one of his bad seasons. Hell his 9-4 season was when Tebow won the fucking Heisman, how do you lose 4 games while a qb on your teams scores over 60TD's? Oh yeah tahts the year he lost to Michigan as well, 0-1 vs the rival lol. Also I hate how he's given credit for Utah being "good" but those same people would argue that Boise plays nobody...irony.
  8. Phil you're calling me dumb, you just said the Florida job was easier then the Ohio State job? You're a moron if you actually believe that. 1. Florida is a hotbed for recruiting, not hard to get the best talent to go to the home state school, Miami sucking and Florida State not being the same school frmo the 90s. 2. Ohio State fans are insane when it comes to football and will rip him to shreads the first time he goes 7-5. 3. Your math skills are fucking horrible, 2005-2010, thats 6 years , not 7 and hell the last year shouldn't even count since he wasn't really coaching. 4. He bailed on BG after 2 years, Utah after 2 and once Tebow was gone and Florida was back to mediocracy he couldn't handle that and bailed ship yet again. Mark it down, 3 years he'll be gone and we'll be looking for a new coach. BTW he never had a heart attack, man your calling someone dumb is quite funny, but then again I don't expect a whole lot coming from a Michigan fan. I have never said Fickell sucks, in fact I have been one of the few that feel he should be kept on because in my opinion he's done well with what he's been given. Also I don't have sour grapes about Urban becasue Florida beat OSU, I have sour grapes towards him because he's a liar plain and simple. Ask any Florida fan how they feel about him now, he left because his health, then came back because he was healthy enough to do it. Then told a recruit that god told him they should be together in a dream, only to bail on that kid along with all other recruits, players and fans a year later because of health and wanting to spend time with his family. He then takes a job with ESPN, taking him away from his family. Now 1 year later he wants to coach Ohio State, so much for that family time, he still has a kid in middle school. His only health concern was the fact that Florida might be below average and he can't handle that! He won't be setting himself up for any job, he'll just call it quits for good and go back to the booth! BTW LJ it was in bright red under the press conference lol, then they followed it up by saying "the dispatch is reporting that Urban Meyer has signed a deal to become the next Ohio State head coach" Some people didn't like John Coopers, most hated the way Tress coached, why is it so wrong that I am not an Urban Meyer fan?
  9. 10tv just said the same thing I thought, doesnt appear that Fickell was in on any of this and looks upset about it. So much for him staying on the staff..
  10. BTW Channel 10 is "breaking news" that Urban has signed, the dispatch is also reporting it. Im watching Fickells press conference on there right now
  11. Lmfao!!! Same exact thing I have been saying this entire time. Urban will bail soon as Braxton graduates, wait and see. Hopefully by then Luke is ready to take over because I also think he eventually becomes the head coach again at Ohio State. BTW I don't know what to believe anymore, I have said that Nevada has been wrong in the past, but at the same time everything he posted has been reported by the bigger media outlets, just a month later. I don't see why they wouldn't allow Fickell to coach the bowl game even if they hire Urban before hand.
  12. WTF?! This video always makes me smile Oh BTW Boom will bust off a 50+yard TD run against Michigan, he's done it the last 2 times they've played.
  13. Michigan is looking good, but I still don't believe they are "back". I actually think OSU beats Michigan on saturday. You stop Retard Robinson, you stop Michigan. The only good defense Michigan has gone against was Michigan St, guess what, they lost that game lol. If Michigan wins, well shit happens and it was bound to happen sooner or later. Like SS said, better enjoy it because its gonna be another long decade after this. BTW if these reports are true, why lie? Just fucking come out and say "yeah I am going to be the new coach at Ohio State"
  14. Prob be replaced by Chris Spielman since he's been in the booth the entire year sucking off Urban
  15. Oh yeah OSU plays Georgia in 2020 and 2021 if anyone wants to prepare themselves now for that matchup lol
  16. Adolpheus Washington is the one who said Urbans friend was talking to him about Urban becoming the next OSU coach, thats from the players mouth. Idk how much clearer that would have to get lol. Its not like the sCam Newton case at all, there was no paper trail or if there was the NCAA and ESPN have such a hard on for the SEC that they just let it slide to secure another BCS title (conspiracy theory right there folks lol). I would much rather see Ohio State play Tennesee as well. I dont like the UNC series either. Its hard to say how good Oklahoma or Va Tech will be by the time those series come around. They could end up being like Miami (they were dominating when that series was scheduled) or they could end up like Texas/USC (both of those games were scheduled 10 years prior).
  17. Random guy telling kids where they should go vs potential new head coach's buddy....see where I am going.... The NCAA has some dumbass rules and already have a hard on for busting OSU's ass Jerry Sandusky style.
  18. Kids receive awards, same kids then trade/sell the items they were given, players are then suspended for most of the year and a shit storm comes down over the univeristy that gave them the items to begin with....crazy things have happened lol
  19. I found a thread over on scout talking about the same thing and this is what someone on there posted "I get mailings from Ohio State telling me what I can and cannot do. Among many other requirements, boosters are not allowed to contact recruits to encourage them to come to a school. The definition of booster is very broad, and includes people that have purchased tickets to a game." I didnt say it was a violation, I was simply questioning if or if not it was. Its kind of like insider trading lol, I just don't want to see any more NCAA violations is my main concern and the reason behind my question
  20. A friend of his visited Washington and talked about Meyer becoming the coach at Ohio State...not so sure that you're allowed to do that. I would have to look into it but it might fall under some sort of booster violation, you never know out of the NCAA
  21. OSU and Tennesee announced today that they won't be playing each other in 2017 due to the big10 going to a 9 game conference schedule. They did add UNC and Florida A&M to upcomig schedules. 2013 looks to be the best chance for the Bucks to win it all as the out of conference schedule is cake 2013 Aug. 31 – Vanderbilt Sept. 7 – Florida A&M Sept. 14 – at California 2014 Aug. 30 – at Navy Sept. 13 – Kent State Sept. 20 – Virginia Tech Sept. 27 – Cincinnati 2015 Sept. 5 – North Carolina Sept. 12 – Northern Illinois Sept. 19 – at Virginia Tech 2016 Sept. 3 – Bowling Green Sept. 17 – at Oklahoma 2017 Sept. 16 – Oklahoma Sept. 23 – at North Carolina 2018 Sept. 8 – Cincinnati
  22. Could that be considered a recruiting violation if true? Michigans class looks impressive only because they have so many freaking recruits. They are at 23 with only one 5* (Kyle Kalis) vs Ohio States 15 two 58 (Washington and Dunn) OSU's current class is 5*= 2 4*= 5 3*= 8 Michigan: 5*= 1 4*= 12 3*= 10 OSU still isn't done recruiting either, I think they still land 1-2 more players to finish out with a pretty solid class considering the shit storm that has been around this entire year. BTW Gene Smith came out today and said no bowl ban this season, so we will be playing in the Little Ceaser Bowl lmfao (not sure what bowl we end up in)
  23. Washington is a Buckeye and Stanford is an Oregon Duck, good pickup for the Buckeyes. Washington is a DE for those that weren't aware.
  24. Yeah I know, I had my hopes up for watching the 2012 Honda Insight Bowl (I figured it'd be a great fit for Honda)
  25. Yeah definitley a bad decision looking back on it, but at the time it was prob the only choice he had (assuming he was poor and going to work). I am sure details will emerge about the accident and the individual later today
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