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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Haha I'm an emo fan, interesting. Btw pryor was a fuck ton better as a frosh. How about a guy named mo c, he was pretty good as a freshman. Here's been a lot of true freshman to come into cfb and shine, just not many at osu. Hopefully braxton makes leaps and bounds improvements over the winter and summer
  2. Haha I was in a bad mood when that was tyhped..appologies. phil, save it please cause ill mever say I told u he was the man haha. I actually liked urban til he pulled his shit on florida twice..told a recruit that he had a dream and god said they should be together (read the sherrif floyd recruiting stuff). Another issue is all the arrested players he had..24! Osu doesn't need that happening here after the shit storm that took place. Like I said I will root for them regardless of the coach, doesn't mean I gotta like the coach though. Ps id bet money that miller won't win the heisman, how many did pryor win when he was supposed to win atleast . Btw I've seen a few dropped passes from stoneburner, that's about it. That still doesn't excuse miller for throwing lame ducks
  3. Ps ranting via a phone sucks major dick haha. Bircranium I actually enjoy talking football with u along with lj and bravo. I just think ur attempting to take a cheap shot for whatever reason and that's lame as fuck. I've been through dark ages with osu see 2000, 2001 ish. I just don't like urban meyer I think he's a weasle to be honest. Btw fickell is the best recruiter on the staff and has been the main reason several key recruits have commited to osu over the years
  4. Take any little weak ass jab u want. I'm prob the biggest fan in this whole thread, but we can measure dicks later. Sorry I realize braxton can't throw to save his life and that ur for some reason into swallowing urbans unborns, its cool man we get it u think urban is godto me ur a fair weather fan that onlyh believes unless its.a nc its a bust and that urban would've done better this year. Best part is fickell has the chance to finish 9-3 which is much better then heart attack meyers 7_5 with better taqlent. Bring him in, ill still root for the bucks even when we fail to win a nc again even with urban god at the helm lol. U think urban is suddenly gonna make a qb throw the ball or wrSs suddenly get open on routes? I think coaches are given far too much credit. Without tebow meyer has 0 national championships, and if u think braxton is close to sniffing tebows jock ur a fucking moron. Braxton better learn to complete more then 6-8 passes a game if fans of osu want anything more then 9- maybe 10-2.
  5. I'm not upset with the local store. I'm upset with their coorperate lame ass excuse. Oh well I talked to paper and made a mention of wanting to originally do it at toys r us but it didn't work out. I'm over this thread at this point.
  6. My laptop shit out on me so i.m resorting to my phone and out of the loop apparemtly. Fwiw herbies fav place to eat in cbus is hyde par. Secondly u don't think espn would be all over this story by now? Again I'm calling bs on urban to osu until the deal is inked and at that point I cry a little inside knowing that well be looking for a new coach yet agin in a few years and will have to liosten to fans crying cause urban didn't deliver a nc
  7. Wonder if he can play poker like he plays jeopardy, if so remind me to never invite that guy over for a friendly game haha
  8. This dude has big balls to match his brains apparently. Just take a minute out of your day to see how he went from 9k to 36k dollars in a matter of seconds lol http://www.ebaumsworld.com//video/watch/82014666/
  9. Looks like an NSX or S7 to me, but its still sexy
  10. Yeah the dude has some guns, but last year that wouldn't have happened cause Sully was closer to 280lbs lol
  11. Sully has really lost a ton of weight, I did catch the last 9 minutes of the game and saw him getting pushed around down under a bit more then last year. Not sure that the weight loss has helped him any, but again its only the 2nd game of the season so maybe the biggest benifit will be him having fresh legs come March.
  12. So as an employee of say Verizon you should have the right to dictate what the owners of Verizon do? Just used Verizon as an example since a lot of my buddies either work for them or have worked for them. FWIW I think they both need to either put up or shut up. They got a few options, fold the league or the players can go over seas and play ball
  13. They aren't a legit charity, they are the same type of people as me and my friends. Yet they were given permission. I don't believe the 24 years ago unless they met in a different city becasue our Toys R Us hasn't been here more then 15 years tops. Just irritated again by this whole situation I guess, oh well fuck it. I won't take it any further than here, simply because I don't want to ruin the bikers event. I just know I have now boycotted buying stuff at toys r us along with a lot of my friends (doubt it makes much of a difference in the big picture but it makes me feel better haha)
  14. I miss Diebler that dude was money from behind the arc. I caught the tail end of the game tonight, how well did OSU play?
  15. Are you kidding me? The players who make millions are getting the raw deal? Hell the lowest paid player in the league last year made over 300k, thats a raw deal? I want a raw deal then!!
  16. Ok so this just got a whole lot better...not. I emailed the people at "rolling thunder" asking if they was legit and all that, this is what I just got back: "I know we went through Toys R Us - and that was 24 years ago, so I do not know where/how you get permission to do yours but they should know there (Toys R Us). We are just 6 friends who get together and donate their time, monies, etc. Our Name? We have the name for the website (pretty much) to share with all - etc. We built and pay yearly for the website, out of pocket which is not much. Hoped this help" So basically Toys R Us can eat a dick because they weren't here in Heath 24 years ago for starters.
  17. I don't think there will be a season either and honestly I am glad. I hate pro sports for the simple fact of players crying about needing more money and owners needing more money. Its a fucking game that grown men get paid millions to play and cry about everything in the process. The shittiest part about pro sports is how the concession workers usually make minimum wage while busting their asses lol.
  18. Lighty was here 5 years due to injury. ESPN took a cheap shot at Buford last night talking about how he's been here since the beginning of time or something to that effect. I think those that left early last year from college are sure wishing they was back in college right about now. No one is getting paid!!
  19. Anyone watch the interview last night with he and Bob Costas? Sandusky's defense attorney is as slimey as Sandusky is. They claim that they have found 1 of the witnessess that no one else has been able to and that his story has changed. Sandusky took forever to answer a simple "do you have sexual feelings for young boys" from Costas.
  20. We thought about that, but I was really wanting to be nice and prepare them in case there are more then 50 cars ya know.
  21. I'll do ya one better. I have a half eaten 3 Muskateers bar, 2 socks that don't match, a pair of underwear that apparently a small animal was shot inside of and to top it off i'll throw in an all access pass to Patterson's back side (good for 72hrs)
  22. Ok and 10 will be what they have. I remember when Tickle Me Elmos were the toy to be curb stomped over, my mom and aunt went out to pick up a couple for my sister and cousin. They were within the first 15 people in the store and didn't end up with one cause they were all gone. I'm just saying it sounds like a great deal, but if you're not one of the very first ones in the store its not even worth going out for. To those risking their lives next friday, godspeed
  23. You know the only bad part about these black friday sales is they limit the supply. Sure 199 for a tv sounds great until you realize they may have 2-3 of them in the store
  24. I think she is wanting to "fire off an email" lol in hopes of finding out why the bikes are given permission, so maybe we have some reasoning behind it to maybe put towards our efforts to better it in the future. Wow that was a long sentence.
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