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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I woke up to this on the tv as well, I first thought "wonder if he was riding his bike to work"
  2. I am listening to a live broadcast on scout right now, Adolphus Washington (#1 player in Ohio and midwest according to scout) and his buddy Dwayne Stanford (Army All-American WR) are about to announce where they are going to college. Both are down to OSU as 1 of their top teams, Washington is a 5*, Stanford a 4*. Most believe Washington is a Buckeye while Stanford could be a Oregon Duck...this would be a great pick up for a class that most feel is less then great. BTW they are talking about Brionte Dunn right now. Said he was at Michigan last weekend, going again this weekend and then taking an official in December...i'd say he's gonna be a skunkbear in the end.
  3. Hall is terrible, I wasn't a fan of him being recruited I along with many others felt it was just a ploy in order to get Pryor here (same highschool). He is not very fast in the open field and like Hyde gets caught from behind. Atleast Hyde has 230lbs behind him, Hall tries dancing around way too much. I remember while at the Wisconsin game, OSU was on the goal line and they kept handing it to Hall, my whole section was pissed that neither Boom or Hyde was in there. Luckily Hall scored but damn it drove me nuts. Boom gets hated on a ton over on Scout, thats where that comment was aimed at, not at anyone in this thread.
  4. No boom has the best vision and cut back ability on this team right now, Bircranium was saying that early in his career boom didn't have this. Hyde is getting by simply because he is 230lbs, I have yet to see him cut it back and make something out of nothing. Oh LJ since you said Boom sucked his sophmore year, i'll go ahead and counter that with Saines sophmore year in which he had a 2.5 ypc average. He had a pretty good Jr year with 700 yards, but then fell back to reality his Sr year with 337 yards. He had 1400 yards in his career. Boom had 1100 last year alone lol. I will give Saine this, he was a better reciever then Boom is, hell he had nearly the same amount of TD's off catches as he did rushing (9 rushing/8 recieving) in his career. For some reason Boom never gets respect, idk if its because he wasn't a 5 star player or what the deal is. Just like Sanzenbacher, people liked him but I don't think he got the respect he should've, hell I would say that him graduating was the biggest loss from last year.
  5. I think a self imposed bowl ban could either be a good thing or a really bad idea. What happens if you self impose one and then the NCAA announces that it isn't enough and they are going to ban OSU from 1 next year as well. Or what happens if you self impose a bowl ban, giving the seniors on this team no final bowl game only to hear that the NCAA wasn't going to give OSU one to begin with. I personally would rather have the bowl ban done and over with if thats what the NCAA is going to do, but the fan in me wants to see OSU play in a bowl game. I never really understood banning teams from bowl games, why punish the kids? I understand money is involved just like everything else in America but hell just keep the money and let the kids play.
  6. I just read this on Scout and thought it was a pretty cool stat (non Ohio State related) "According to MNC (Monday Night Countdown), it has been 146 straight NFL weeks (regular season game weeks) that a player from the University of Miami "The U" has scored a TD..." Think about that for a second, thats what 9 years that a player from the U has scored a TD in each NFL week
  7. Saine had 1 good game in my opinion and that was the Oregon game, and even then the only thing I can really remember from that was his TD. Outside of that his career here was a wash, he tried kick returns and never showed the 10.3 speed, tried running back but was scared of contact, they tried using him more of a WR and that didn't really work although he did have a couple nice catches off wheel routes. People called for Hall becasue he had a few good runs in garbage time, the same reason people still think Berry is some sort of god here lol. BTW I am now on the Urban Meyer to OSU wagon, its gonna happen as much as I am against it lol. I still don't like him and will wait and see how well/poor he does here.
  8. Yeah exactly his first year he had to share carries with Beanie and Pryor, sophmore year had to share carries with Saine and Pryor, Jr year became the feature back but still had to share carries with Pryor, this year misses 6 games and is sharing carries with Hall and Miller. Like I said LJ no one is trying to discredit Hyde, I just think its way to premature to say he is on the same level as Boom. Johnny the Texas game is where Beanie got hurt (concussion) after running for 100 yards in the first half. Boom came in and filled in nicely, he scored a TD in that game. BTW OSU should've won that game, fucking Quan Cosby
  9. I don't remember it that way, in fact I remember Saine being fucking terrible the entire time he was here. All you heard about was his 10.3 100m speed yet he was timid as fuck and never showed the burst. Thats the reason he got passed over by Boom. Booms numbers were diminished a lot his sophmore year due to sharing time with Saine and having Pryor running most of the time. Call it a sophmore slump or whatever, but he has definitley become the best back on the roster and its not even close. Now if or if not Hyde will have as good of career as Boom is to be determined. Boom is in the top 10 in both career rushing yards and tds. I'll find the link on scout to see where he currently sits, but I know he had a chance to finish in the top 6 in rushing and I believe top 5 all time for TD's in a career here at Ohio State, not bad for a guy that once sucked lol
  10. Horrible huh? 4.9 ypc 1st year with 6TDs sitting behind beanie 3.9 ypc sophmore year 7 TDs 5.3 YPC 16 TDs jr year
  11. Did you just say Hyde is as good as Boom? You should take a second to look up where Boom currently sits on the all time rushing list and all time TD list for Ohio State and then report back stating that Hyde is just as good. If he was just as good as Boom he wouldn't have been 3rd string coming into the season. Boom has the best vision of any of the backs on this team, blocks the best and has proven that over the last 2 years. This team totally changed when Boom came back, while it struggled with Hall and Hyde carrying the ball the majority of the time while he was gone. Like I said I like Hyde and he has shown glimpses of being really good, but to say he is on par with Boom is ridiculos and laughable Changing topics again for a second, Ryan Shazier is a beast! He was just named b10 defensive player of the week and they posted up his stats, not bad for a guy that mainly played special teams all year (PSU was 1st start and he had 15 tackles lol) "Shazier now has 39 tackles on the season, including five tackles for loss, three sacks and two forced fumbles. He also blocked a punt that led to a touchdown in the win over Wisconsin..." Kerr was average here at Ohio State and Schlagel benifited from having Carpenter and Hawk in the same unit as him. Although I do like Schlagel and thought he played LB very well here. That was probablly my favorite LB unit of all time (my time) here at OSU
  12. Theres 1, although he hasn't looked so great lately (since the Michigan State game)
  13. He should be fucking thankful for the carries he got this year. Had boom not been suspended, Hyde gets 0 carries this year unless OSU was up by 40 and we both know that didnt happen a lot lol. Hell he could've been 4th or 5th on the depth chart if Berry stayed out of trouble and Smith held on to the ball.
  14. Who is the last big name guy not named Ryan Mallet to transfer and have success at another school (this is a serious question not some underlying asshole mannerism behind it lol)
  15. Hell i can't remember I know a lot of guys have transfered only to never be heard from again Eric Haw Eugene Clifford Rocco Pentello Lamar Thomas Duron Carter James Jackson James Louis Sam Longo Sammy Maldanado Dorian Bell Those are off the top of my head. Looking at that list I have to scratch my head on some of them, there are 4 WR's (Carter, Louis, Jackson, Thomas) who would most likely be playing right now at Ohio State on that list and a linebacker (Bell who if he'd given up pot would prob be playing too)
  16. Ok so he'd be a Jr when he arrived at his new school. So which team in the SEC would he go to? Like I stated most of those schools have young running backs right now. 25 carries a game huh, Trent Richardson is only getting 21 a game....So we've went from 30+ a game to 25 only to see that the supposed best running back in the country only averages 21 a game and has a season high of 32 carries (twice). Again long gone are the days of 1 back getting the ball 30+ times a game
  17. The biggest whiffer on this team is Christian Bryant. That kid goes for a ESPN top 10 play of the week type hit each and every time. I think I mentioned it already in this thread, but his whiff against the Nebraska RB cost us that game in my opinion. He along with Travis Howard annoy the hell out of me to watch. I would rather have Dominic Clarke in there over Howard. Aside from the fumbles there have been a ton of bad snaps from Mike Brewster which really suprises me. Honestly this has been the worst year of his career here at Ohio State. He has missed a ton of blocks to go along with the bad snaps. I think LeCharles Bentley is correct when he said taht this Senior class has given up. Who is the last transfer to leave Ohio State and actually do something with themselves?
  18. What the fuck does a redshirt year during the year he transfers have to do with anything? He still wont be allowed to play!!! You can't play in a year that you redshirt, so he would be stupid to use a redshirt his transfer year, that would just be wasting it. My math sucks? He's been out of highschool 3 years already, that puts him at 21-22, sit out next year hes 22-23, redshirt at some point, theres 23-24, play 2 years, theres 25-26...Even if he doesn't use a redshirt after sitting out next year should he transfer he'd still be 24ish by the time he graduates college. Ok no one uses a single back anymore, you're proving my point. He would not be a 30+ a game back anywhere! Those days are long gone my man
  19. Ok...you can't play in a redshirt year, so thats null and void. He would have 2 years remaining to play if I read the rules right. Like I said Justin Boren had 2 years worth left when he came to Ohio State. The only worthwhile reason for him to use a redshirt would be to get seperation from other backs in the same year of eligibility, but remember he is already 3 years out of highschool, sit out next year, then redshirt theres 5 years, 2 years worth of playing in college, he is now a 26 year old rookie running back in the NFL, thats about the age where most start being considered old. I gave you Alabama... LSU uses 2 qb's one of which is mobile. No back on the team has gotten 30 carries in a game and their leading rusher (sophmore) averages 16 carries per contest. UGA has a freshman running back who is the leading rusher and has only had 1 game of over 30 carries and averaging 17.2 carries a game. Tennesee's top back has never gotten more then 24 carries in a game this year and is averaging 16 carries a game. Like I said, where is he going to go and get 30+ carries a game outside of the big 10? He might as well go to Wisconsin if he wants to be that type of back.
  20. How many SEC schools run a traditional offense? Hell how many schools in general outside of the Big10 still run a traditional offense? Almost every school runs some form of the spread or they pass a ton. In the SEC I think Alabama is the only school that runs the traditional offense but I don't see Hyde ending up there. Like I said I think his best bet is to stick it out. If he wants to be a 30+ carrie guy he's not even at the right school currently. Hell there has only been 1 game this year where Boom has gotten more 30 carries and only averaging 21 carries a game since returning. Edited because I looked up the rules lol. He would have to sit out a year then have 2 years left. Thats what happened with Justin Bored who left Michigan after his sophmore year, he then had his Jr and Sr year here at OSU after waiting a year.
  21. If he wants to leave then bon voyage!! Hope he tears it up at a school like Central Florida because that is about the level of school most people that transfer out end up at. There of course is exceptions like Ryan Mallet and Justin Boren from Michigan (Arkansas and Ohio State respectivley), but you also have guys like Sam McGuffie who was recruited by everyone in the world, went to Michigan didnt like it, transfered to Rice! I think Hyde should stick it out and atleast see what kind of offense Meyer is going to run. Like I said, it's not like OSU is absolutely going to be loaded at running back next year like they once looked to be. I honestly think a player like Jamaal Berry would benifit the most from Urban coming in, but that guy can't keep his ass out of trouble and will most likely not even be here next year.
  22. Haha this, thats why I said he only used 1 running back while at Florida and his name was Tim Tebow. I would hate to see Hyde transfer because he has shown signs of being really good this year.
  23. The only running back Meyer ever had at Florida was Tim Tebow lol. I don't think Hall is all the explosive to be quite honest. I expected him to be a Reggie Bush type player given his size and ability to catch the ball, but he just hasn't shown me that either. Aside from a kickoff return for TD against Michigan last year he hasn't really impressed me. Hell even that play was helped largly in part by a huge block from Berry. I know the 2013 class is supposedly absolutely loaded, highlighted by Jalin Marshal who is a Percy Harvin clone in my opinion I agree about Kalis, that kids a douche. I don't tend to hate on highschool kids, but he went about things the absolute wrong way. Oh well hope he enjoys losing to the bucks for 4-5 years while up north. You know whats funny about the 2012 class, its supposedly a down year for OSU recruiting yet they will most likely finish in the top 15 nationally. Not bad for a down year lol
  24. I think Brionte is a silent UM commit even though he's verbally commited to tOSU. He just seems to me like his heart really isn't at Ohio State. If thats the case then he should just decommit already and move on. I've followed his recruiting and to me he hasn't seemed 100% commited this entire time. I haven't followed the rest of the recruiting a whole lot either to be honest. I do like the Tyvis Powell kid (read his blogs and it will show you why). I think anyone that commits to Ohio State this year is a real Buckeye.
  25. I don't see why Hyde would transfer out honestly. Ball looks ripped in that pic, I just didn't think he was that big to be honest. They list him at 6'2 200lbs..I wonder if thats really 6'0 180 lol
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