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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. He looks like Steven Segal and Rocky from The Mask (with Cher) had a love child
  2. Did anyone catch this last night on ESPN's 30 for 30? If not then its a pretty good watch. Really sad and reminds you so much of the Mickey Rourke movie "the wrestler", that host even comment on that http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhLyKoA5S1RhKxZJyl
  3. On a sidenote best game this week will most likely be Wisky vs Michigan State, the following 2 weeks there are monster games on the schedule, Bama vs LSU, Oklahoma vs Kansas St, Wisky vs OSU plus more
  4. BTW both his daughters play college volleyball at schools down south, gonna be a little hard to go watch them play when your up in Ohio and working 7 days a week, so much for family time lol
  5. There has been instances in the past where Nevada would post "someone is going to commit soon", well gee I could predict that lol. Yeah he has been right 80% of the time, but theres that whole 20% of the time where he is wrong or tosses out some stupid statement only to renig on it and say "I was just telling you what I was hearing". BTW has it ever been disclosed what Meyers health issues were? I have read that it was headaches and chest pains caused by stress. If it was major enough for him to quit TWICE at Florida, then I don't see how the hell it is suddenly so much better that he can take on an even more stressful job. If he is to be the highest paid coach in American then tOSU is fucking dumb. That would mean he about to get more then 6 million per year! Nick Saban, University of Alabama ~ $5,997,349 is the highest paid coach in the country right now, so tOSU is going to pony up the money to pay a guy that no one knows is in good enough shape to coach a single year let alone multiple years? Thats brilliant!! I remember reading Urbans recruiting tactics with Sharif Floyd, about how he had a dream and god told him that they were supposed to be together, only to bail on the kid a year later lol. How the hell are you going to walk into some 18 year old kids house with their parents there and them knowing about your past and your "health concerns"? The reason he is considered by me and several others as a job jumper is because its true. 2004 Alex Smith graduates, Urban leaves for Florida. 2009 Tebow graduates, Meyer suddenly has health concerns and takes leave of absence. Comes back to coach for 1 year, team is mediocre, guess what "I'm retiring due to health concerns and wanting to spend time with my family". A few months later he is hired by ESPN to do commentary, a job that has him away from his family several days a week. Then the OSU job comes open and suddenly he is healthy enough and not caring about his family enough to consider the job? Thats why I do not like Urban Meyer.
  6. Fickell is actually the top recruiter on OSU's roster. Many of the top recruits including Curtis Grant (one of the top LB's in last years class) have said the main reason they came to tOSU is because of coach Fickell. I think him leaving the program would hurt in the recruiting area. I am not saying Urban can't recruit, but if I were a recruit I would be concerned with if or if not Meyer was going to be my coach the entire time I am in school. If you look at all the previous coaches tOSU have hired, they haven't been huge gets. Tressell was successful at YSU, but no one knew who he was outside of there. Everyone wanted Glen Mason when the job was open in 01. Cooper was 7-4 at Arizona St the year before he was selected as head coach here. Earl Bruce was an assistant that was given the job in a similar manner to Fickell, Woody got fired for hitting the Clemson player and then Bruce was given the reigns. Hell look at Woody, he coached at Dennison and Miami Ohio. If you do some researching you'll find that Woody's hiring caused some controversey because people didn't feel he was the right man for the job. These are just reasons I think it'll be Fickell next year, now if its not then so be it I have no control over who they hire lol. I just hope that if he isn't the head coach he is retained as defensive coordinator.
  7. No no that was in reference to boosters getting OSU kids in trouble by paying them for work not complete. Not a reference to how much/little you make, I really could care less honestly lol. No I could have an easy time supporting him, hell I support him now. Most OSU fans are insane and believe that unless you win 10+ games its a failure. The man was tossed into a shitty situation and is making the best of it. Its clear the talent that was left after the suspensions just wasn't what everyone had thought it'd be. I have said numerous times that the team up until Boom returned lacked a playmaker on offense, the linebackers are not very good and the qb situation is a disaster thus far. Braxton is nowhere near ready to be the starting qb at the college level. I don't think anyone would be right for the job currently honestly. I don't think Meyer, Gruden or god himself would be doing much better then what Fickell has done thus far.
  8. That man could recruit, he just couldn't figure out how to beat Michigan or win a damn bowl game.
  9. Umm I was talking about the Tressel era.... and who gives a fuck about the vacated wins, we know what happened on the field that day. I hate when people pull that card, I have a buddy that is a Michigan fan and he says that same shit all the time when we talk about the rivalry. Whats for dinner?
  10. So you mean no more over inflated work earnings? :lolguy: I would have a hard time supporting this school if Fickell goes 8-4 or 9-3 considering all the bullshit this team has had to go through. They should've won the Nebraska game I will give you that, the defense let down. Christian Bryant goes for a big hit rather then the typical normal tackel, that results in a huge gain and Nebraska is on the scoreboard a couple plays later. I know 1 play doesn't make or break a game, but had that not happened I feel OSU still wins. Not to mention Boom Herron and Posey were supposed to be back that game until the NCAA fucked OSU for the 2nd time this year. The Miami and MSU games should've been wins as well, but you can't change any of that. What happens if Fickell leads OSU to a monster upset next week against a a top 5 ranked Wisconsin and ends the year by beating a top 25 Michigan?
  11. Here ya go: 05- 34.4 06- 38.1 07- 30.6 08- 29.75 09- 33.3 10- 34.5 Oh and vs the SEC they averaged 23 points (the Florida game kills the average lol)
  12. I know the game very well actually, played from 6-graduation, could've went to college had I not got sick my senior year with mono and dropped 60+lbs. People feel he was conservative because he played some games close, but if you look at most of those games there was generally something that caused it. For instance the Purdue game OSU lost a couple years ago, the weather was shitty that day, didn't really have a premier running back for Pryor to hand off too and couldn't really chuck the rock 30+ times. Trust me Tress drove me nuts sometimes with his decision making, but to be fair he put points on the board and check marks in the Win column.
  13. Yeah becasue OSU didn't average 38 points a game last year and 35 in 06. Tressell turned the dogs loose when he actually had them to use. Look at the years where he was "conservative" the playmakers simply were not there, even the 02 team didn't have big playmakers outside of MoC and he was injured a few games that year. The next biggest playmaker was the kicker lol. 05- 29ppg 06- 35ppg 07- 32ppg 08- 28ppg 09- 29ppg 10- 38ppg Not bad for being conservative lol. Oh yeah OSU lost 11 games in that period of time. During that same span USC lost 15, Florida 15, LSU 17, Oklahoma 19... BTW just read that OSU is paying Fickell $775k this year
  14. I know a couple of the posters in here are comic book movie nerds like me, there is supposedly a Prologue for TDKR attatched to Mission Impossible which comes out December 16th. Its apparently going to be 8mins long from what I have read on superherohype.com and is in the same manner as the Joker prologue for TDK. It is apparently going to show how bane escaped from Prison.
  15. I highly doubt this will happen. I still say its Luke that will be the head coach next year until they officially announce a replacement. Luke is a cheap hire full time, has been here for over 10 years, will have more chance to get his staff together rather then have to work with what Tress left behind. Wont have all the suspensions, little easier schedule next year ect. Urban will be here 2-3 years and then be gone as soon as Braxton graduates and will blame it on a stress related health concern. He was my #1 want as well, but he just resigned with ESPN for MNF. I honestly think he'll either never coach again or will be back in the NFL. Every year it seems he is rumored for some college team and it never happens. Nevada Buck is accurate about half the time, look at his history with recruiting "inside" information. He whiffs a lot, so again I will wait until this happens and even then I will bitch about the hiring simply because I am not an Urban Meyer fan at all!!!! To me he is a bitch that leaves a team whenever the star player leaves or he feels mediocracy is looming. Left Utah after Alex Smith graduated, left Florida after realizing maybe the talent just wasn't there... I don't see how he goes from having health concerns and wanting to spend time with his famly, to taking 1 of the most pressure cooking jobs in America. If he thought coaching at Florida was stressful, wait til he loses a game here in Columbus, he'll be wishing he had stayed retired.
  16. 2 down 1 to go, gotta get rid of the crazy from N. Korea
  17. Haha I figured as much, so no worries. I am always down to listen to new music though, lmk when the video is up
  18. http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/pml/cto/2619410616.html Incase it gets taken down: This isn't your normal skyline. This motherfcker is the skyline God would drive if he wasn't busy doing God sh*t like making tsunamis and crap. Its set up to go fast, and go fast sideways. Who doesn't like to get sideway?! Terrorists, thats who. Are you a terrorist? No? Then you need this car. Handling? This car handles like a junior executive CEO. Go around corners like the devil himself is chasing you, and not give a fck. Whats that? You like drifting? Well I've got some great god d@mn news for you. This car was a drift project of mine, and the last owner was planning on making it a drift machine too. Interior is for pussies so we got rid of it. Manly as fck. It literally oozes testosterone. So much so that its puddling up in the back. Seats? this cocks*cker has got two. One for you, and one for the hot @ss broad thats gunna be all upons your dick after you buy this car. You're a girl? Sh*t works both ways. One seat for you, and one seat for that hot @ss dude you've been trying to hook up with for weeks. Deal with it,sh*ts getting serious. Stereos and AC are for hippies. Fortunately this car has neither. Oh look at me, I like listen to Simon and Garfunkel and think about puppies. F*ck that. The only noises you're gunna be hearing is the ultra manly engine noises coming from this sweet turbocharged, intercooled, 24 valve inline 6. Sh*ts getting real, real f*cking fast. This car has got a bright orange ebrake handle (b*tches love orange) with a drift button for those super ultra megahellatastic bar room brawler ebrake lockers. F*ck. Yes. Now, I'll be honest. The wheels are a little lackluster, although everyones gunna be so focused on your super gangster drifting that nobody is going to give a f*ck about your sh*tty stock 16s. Don't worry, I've got you fcking covered. Its like we're in Vietnam and you just got ambushed by Charlie. Don't worry, friend, I've got your fcking back and I blow charlie to kingdom fcking come. For an extra $450 I can throw in some added p*ssy magnets for wheels, just don't come crawling back to me complaining that you're getting TOO much vajayjay. Bright fcking green 18s. Greens not your thing? Super legit silver 18s. Done like dinner. This car has got 1.5 metric f*ck tons of awesome parts. Bride, Greddy, Brembo, the list doesn't f*cking END. It just keeps going and going, like the energizer bunny on speed. You like going fast? Ever tried to outrun 24 police cars and 3 helicopters? You need this car. It will go so fcking fast that you may very well go back in time. It happened to me once. Just once, but it was fcking rad. Its like someone took a rocket and opened its mouth and poured steroids down its throat and and threatened to kill its family if it wasn't the fastest motherfcker you've ever driven. I get it. You're busy, I'm busy, lets not waste time. If you're interested send me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP. You send me a message, I send you one right back. Thats how this works
  19. I have a San Felice cigar box for sale. After doing some research along with Patterson looking up some info for me I have come to the conclusion that this thing was made anywhere between 1912 and 1925 in Lima Ohio. It is in pretty good shape considering its at least 86 years old if not older. The top of the box has an area of the paper that looks like it once had tape on it that was pealed off, but its nothing major. I can take a better pic of that area for those interested. I found this in the basement of my dads old bar here in Newark and thought it was pretty cool. I really have no need for it and its just been chilling in a chest for some time now. If you notice on the box it says 2/15 cents, also on the back it states individual cigars are to be sold for no less then 6 cents and no more then 8cents, whens the last time you could buy cigars that cheap? http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/cigarbox3.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/cigarbox.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/cigarbox2.jpg $75 obo takes it, don't be afraid to offer me less then $75 but don't offer me some lowball figure.
  20. I didnt know if that was the band or the album....did a youtube search and found nothing. I dont do Itunes lol
  21. Oh I know it had to be done, I wouldn't want 18 tigers, 17 lions along with Wolves and Grizzly Bears running through my neighborhood. Just thought it was funny how everyone was saying "oh they are gonna tranqulize them and put em in zoos".
  22. Jack Hannah looks pissed, watching the news conference currently.
  23. 56 animals total, 48 killed, 6 saved and 2 still on the loose. So much for trying to save all these animals. Also Jack Hanna rerpoted that there were 1400 Bengal Tigers known to be in existance, 18 of them were just killed. Pita is gonna be on that sherrifs ass, just wait and see Apparently 1 was killed in Licking County. My uncle is on the swat team for sherrifs office and has been out since last night hunting. Oh great the monkey has Herpes B, here we come outbreak!
  24. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/hahaha.jpg
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