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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I have LSU winning as well, I like their QB combo more then I do Bama's qb. I also think Trent Richardson is over rated (gasp!!)
  2. Yeah I don't turn the channel during an OSU game, however tomorrow I won't be home to watch that game live, thank god for DVR. LSU/Bama should be a good game
  3. What games are everyone watching this weekend?
  4. I get what you're saying, but the bad out weighs the good in these cases it seems. I remember my 8th grad class had a 8ft boa and we would get it out every friday and I thought that was pretty cool.
  5. He is one of the best, I think he's gonna have a hard time beating out the 3 girls. BTW Nicole's looks to me are diminished by the fact that shes a royal cunt
  6. And people questioned why a law banning the ownership of such animals is being considered.....
  7. I wonder if my big ass would fit in their carts...this would be an aweome "winter track day" type deal
  8. Well Tress kinda ran away as well, he did resign...Bruce Pearl did multiple violations thus the reason he was hammered. Its funny Pearl's lying involved a future Buckeye in Aaron Craft
  9. Alright cool deal. Isn't Montgomery Inn right on the river by the aquarium?
  10. Haha yeah, honestly he's most likely to be the head coach of the Colts next year. I have a buddy that is close to the owners family and some of them have even said Tress is going to be the next Colts coach fwiw. I dont know how Tressells style translates to the NFL, but it would be interesting to see. I dont think he gets a 3-5 year show cause, maybe 1-2 years. What did Pete Carroll get?
  11. So I am down to Terrys Turf Club, Montgomery Inn and Arthurs Cafe...if you had to pick between the 3 which would you go with?
  12. As mentioned on the previous pages he isn't 100% accurate by any means either. He does seem to be in the know, but I have seen him wrong numerous times, hopefully this is one case where he is wrong lol.
  13. I agree with that and think they go 0-3 to finish the season.
  14. I think OSU will be favored to win the B10 next year regardless of who the coach is to be quite honest, so I don't think that has anything to do with who the head coach is. I would argue that Ohio State may be 3rd or 4th best job in America, behind LSU/Bama and Oklahoma, hell i'd be tempted to put Texas ahead of the OSU job. They handed the keys over to him this year didn't they? He'll have a years worth of expierence under his belt at what you consider a top 2 program in the country. Urban comes in and the expectations are NCG or bust, my opinion is it will be a whole lot of bust.
  15. I think the biggest thing going against Luke is having Bollman as his offensive coordinator, that guy is flat out horrible. If Fickell somehow goes 11-3 with a BCS bowl game victory, how do you explain to future recruits that this just wasn't good enough lol. Thats my whole argument, I say give him 2-3 more years and if he doesnt produce then sure look for someone else, hell we'll be doing the same thing if they hire Urban Meyer so might as well save some cash in the process lol. Just imagine if Fickell would've had Posey, Boom and Adams back for the Nebraska game, hell even Boom/Adams would've sealed a victory in that game. This team is totally different with those 2 back in the fold. This would be a top 25 team with 2 losses and potentially finishing 12-2 if they are to win out (I don't think they will, but theres always the what if's) I too have read the rumors about the coaching staff should Meyer be brought in. Supposedly he wants to keep the defensive staff and 1 offensive coach. Many feel the 1 offensive coach being retained would be Stan Drayton as he and Urban worked together at Florida. I would not be totally opposed to this, but still would much rather have Fickell or someone else over Urban lol
  16. Yeah I have heard of Izzy's, I downloaded their menu and the only thing holding me back is the fact that everything is made with corned beef. Im not a huge ruben fan although my wife is. My buddy told me about a place called LaRosa's Pizza, anyone been there?
  17. ^^ Yeah I seen those, I was hoping someone would know of a hole in the wall type place that is amazing.
  18. This upcoming weekend I am heading down to the Newport Aquarium with some family. We are looking for a place to eat while down there, not looking to spend an arm and a leg on food and must serve stuff that kids will eat. Any suggestions?
  19. You don't cut your teeth here huh, interesting. I hate to break it to you, but every coach in the past minus Bruce have done equal or worse then Fickell in their first year. Woody Hayes- 4-3-2 5th in B10 Earle Bruce: 11-1 (followed by several 9-3 seasons) John Cooper: 4-6-1 tied for 7th in b10 Jim Tressell: 7-5 3rd in B10 Need I remind you where these guys came from before tOSU? Dennison, Miami Ohio, Youngstown St, just to name a few of their previous coaching gigs. I still don't believe the whole Urban Meyer rumor regardless of who started it. I also don't see Fickell just taking a step back and saying "gee golly that was fun, now let me go back to being the backup". If someone else is hired I look for Fickell to be the headcoach elsewhere next season. BTW going undefeated with this team under these circumstances was logical thinking? Wow I'd hate to see illogical thinking lol. I too find it funny all the people jumping on and off the Fickell/OSU bandwagon, its so bad that I can't even go to scout and read cause it irritates me. I think tOSU has the most annoying, bipolar fanbase in the country. School A does something and they are horrible, but if Ohio State does the same thing its ok and should be over looked. Fickell loses to Miami and he's horrible, soon as he beats Wisconsin he's the man lol.
  20. Haha Braxton grew up a little bit saturday night and that throw was huge along with his runs, I still am just not sold on him as being this great qb that he was hyped up as being. Now by his jr/sr year I could very well be a Braxton fan, but not right now. If OSU wins out, goes to the B10 championship game and wins that and lands in the Rose Bowl, do you fire Fickell?
  21. Someone better buy these, this game will be huge in terms of the B10 Championship game!! GLWS, FWIW I sold 2 of these for more then $140 this year, so this is a good price
  22. Yeah thats the play I was referring to, he went for the big hit against the RB and whiffed completely. Oh well I am still on cloud 9 after the victory. I however am tired of reading about how suddenly OSU is the best team in the b10, Fickell should be coach of the year and Braxton is god, none of those are true in my opinion. I feel like OSU has improved big time with Boom back, Fickell is doing great with what he has to use and Braxton still can't complete more then 8 passes in a game lol.
  23. He's young so there is hope, I just hope he stops trying to make hero type tackles each and every time and just goes for the sure fire ones. I'd much rather have a sure tackler that makes 99% of the tackles rather then the guy who makes a highlight reel hit maybe 10% of the time.
  24. I thought I was the only one that thought this about Bryant. The kid tries making the highlight reel tackle each and every time, only to whiff big when it matters the most. See the Nebraska game, he is the reason OSU lost that game in my opinion. He went for a ESPN type hit and completely missed, the kid then ran for an extra 20 yards and put Nebraska in scoring position. Someone tried telling me he was Antoine Winfield 2.0 saturday night at the game, I just laughed
  25. The Aquarium in Virginia Beach was pretty damn awesome, we went there over the summer on our 9 state excursion
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