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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. [6]/14/10:[/b] I had finally had enough of the motor sitting on the engine stand. So with today off of work, I decided to do something about it. The fun started around 530pm, had to put the flywheel and clutch on, the transmission to the block, and make 1 last min run to autopart store for of all things...sockets lol. Anyways pretty excited to finally see it down in the bay so excuse all the pics lol Motor and trans bolted together and ready to go: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0458.jpg After that it was time for her to go in (my dad lending a hand): http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0459.jpg A little sweating, grunting and pushing (no not having a baby or sex) and she was in the car!!!: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0460.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0461.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0462.jpg Huge thanks goes to the following for lending a hand: My Dad Nick Oman Nick Bailey Matt Pound Jordan Noblick Max and Manny (hey someone had to supervise)
  2. Yeah it'd be sweet if you didnt have to register on that site lol
  3. How bout "the big10, that 1 school from up north and the new kid on the block conference"
  4. His daddies name is what has landed Lane Kiffin jobs, not to mention he has a hot wife which I am sure helps lol. "Sir if you hire me I can garuntee you that my wife will go down on you"
  5. Notre Dame will continue to be independant and continue to suck ass, so nothing really changes there lol Missouri has to feel pretty damn dumb as you stated, I just wonder if the big12 will look to bring in 2 schools to remain 12 or just settle for having 10
  6. Funny Joe Schaad of espn reported this morning that everyone was going to the pac10, 5hrs later he reports they are all staying. I guess no one will really know until the dust settles. I'll eat crow and retract my statement about Nebraska, but it still stands true about Colorado.
  7. as long as you can show proof of an item shipping i.e a receipt from shipping company, or a tracking number then paypal will not refund the buyers money. I used to sell 20+ items a day on ebay before they started jacking up listing and final value fee's. Its one thing to make money, its another to be greedy and they started getting on the other side of that fence.
  8. Couple more pics of the bay I got uploaded. Plans for putting the motor in today fell through, but I did manage to go buy some hardware to put the mounts in the car. Motor will be in this week for sure http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0420.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0423.jpg
  9. It hasn't lost anything over the years because they have had fighters stay with the company for so long. Now those fighters are getting old and retiring and the young guys just aren't up to the same level as those that came before. That is my point, I love UFC and hope it continues to grow, I just don't think its going to work out like that. Like the previous poster said they need to throw catchweight bouts or ratings will start to fall. Hell they had to resort to bringing in Kimbo in order to spike ratings of Ultimate Fighter..look how long they played him out as to coming back after losing, only to not come back until after the season ended.
  10. Texas A&M to the SEC is official according to several sources...wtf are they thinking lol. They couldn't win shit in the big12 let alone the SEC, big 12's down to 9...
  11. Evans= Movie Star who just lost Lesnar= Biggest draw in UFC and biggest name right now Shogun=...really? Franklin= First win in last 3 was last night...not sold on him again just yet Machida= Boring fighter just like Silva and GSP Evans= People hate this guy You really think Evans and Machida could draw the ratings that say Tito, Liddellol would?
  12. I would take the current roster from the MWC compared the the current Pac10 lineup. I am not saying every year they are going to be better, but this year they should be better as a whole compared to the pac11. Hell BYU, Utah, Boise St and TCU will be top 25 and Bolse and TCU will be top 5-7...who in the pac10 will be top 20?
  13. TCu is in the WAC as well...The WAC now has BYU, Utah, TCU and Boise St, 3 of those 4 have BCS bowl victories in the last 5 years. Who in the pac10 is legit besides USC? Oregon is going to be terrible this year, UCLA, Washington, Washington St, Oregon ST, Arizona, Arizona St, Cal, Stanford oh and now Colorado...I mean thats not a real prestigous list anymore.
  14. Bush keeps his Heisman, USC keeps their AP (paper) championship. I look at this situation like a family deal, your older brother/sister got caught sneaking out of the house...so when you got to their age, your parents put locks on the windows to prevent you from sneaking out. You essentially are paying for their fuck ups, yes I know it was a shitty analogy but you get the idea lol. The punishment honestly is a little lighter then I would've liked/expected. Reggie Bush's parents had a plush house/car given to them by an agent before Reggie even attended USC..thats a big no no. Then you have Joe McKnight driving around town in an Escalade that was "loaned to his gf" by a local dealership, and then there is OJ Mayo on the basketball side. Anyone remember Lebron's Hummer ordeal, or his free jersey "scandal". Athletic sanctioning bodies don't take rules lightly. The NCAA is pretty strict on players recieiving unfair benifits due to their celebrity status. Why do you think college players don't get paid? I personally don't have a problem with a guy getting a free pair of sneakers or a shirt here and there, hell they make the colleges millions of dollars a year by playing a sport. Yes they get a free ride through college and yes they are essentially playing for free so they can eventually play to get paid. In the end rules are rules, and USC broke those rules. Now they must suffer the consequences...not that it really matters their run in the pac10 is/was over before this happened. They are no longer the dominant USC of old, they will go back to mediocracy just like they did in the 90s..remember they werent quite the powerhouse in those days.
  15. Midwestern Conference sounds like a 2nd rate conference. Its on the lines of MAC, WAC, Conference USA... They should just tag it as "The conference that disbanded your conference..conference"
  16. Yeah he broke his hand blocking a liddellol kick. I think it was his left hand though, would be totally insane if it were his right hand that was broken and he ko'd him with it. That would've been awesome. I too was torn in this fight since I like both of these fighters. I have personally met Rich and he is/was an awesome guy, very friendly and didn't have that "I'm famous and better then you" attitude. Chuck being compared to Rocky is pretty dead on except Rocky always won in the end lol (except for the first Rocky). Chuck has lost I believe 4 of his last 5 via KO, someone correct me if I am wrong. The man that used to strike fear with his right hand, has now become known for a glass jaw, that anyone can knockout. I think honestly this starts the decline of UFC, with stars like Hughes retiring, Liddellol hopefully retiring, Tito in the doghouse (again), there just isn't the marquee names remaining. Sure there is Lesnar, GSP and Silva, but people are getting tired of seeing GSP and Silva fight/dance and dominate everyone. Until those 2 fight each other (which I dont ever see happening) then there really isn't much the UFC can throw out there anymore to boost intrest. I know the ratings aren't down yet, but they will start to be when the main events are 1 "star" vs "that other guy". Do you really think people will pay to watch Rashad Evans fight some no name guy?
  17. Boise joined the Mountain West which is a step in the right direction. With all the new expansion shit taking place some are saying the Mountain West champion is poised to get an automatic BCS bid. Now that would only take place if the big12 totally implodes and is no longer a conference.
  18. Liddellol as I am now going to call him should just hang em up. He used to be my favorite fighter because he was such a badass, now he is a laughing stock that anyone can knock out it seems. Maybe the time has just come for him to move onto something outside of fighting before he ends up brain dead from KO shots to the head.
  19. I had the same thing happen when I went to get my Integra...sort of. I drove all the way to Indiana damn near to meet this guy. He sent me pictures of the teg lowered and sitting on LS meshies, looked real clean. I show up and its tonka truck status riding on 15in steelies that have beauty rings. Whatever I still wanted the car, he starts going around my super clean eg coupe and talking shit. There was no rust, dents, scratches, nothing on my car. It had an H22 in it and I was giving him an extra set of seats. After trying to talk shit to me, I started in on him. I asked him where the suspension and rims went, and where the hell did the scratch and dent on passenger side come from? He got all defensive and told me he wasn't interested in trading. I was alright with that so I let him and his princess Fiona looking wife take their happy asses back to Indiana... 3 weeks later I got a pm on Ohiohondas from a kid asking if I wanted to trade for a 4dr teg. I went to Cambridge to find out that he had traded cars with the dude in Indiana and I was getting the 4dr I had went and looked at lol. I know great story right, maybe i'll tell it again someday
  20. Phil gets it, no one is thinking about the other sports, they just think about Football and Basketball. Boise St is 2-1 against TCU since 2002, have beaten Oklahoma and won all their BCS bowl games. Now they are in a biggere conference compared to wht WAC, will be ranked top 3 pre-season, this will be the year they make it to the NCG, and unless they play tOSU I hope they win the damn thing
  21. I am one of those that is against expansion..should've just left well enough alone.
  22. Sweet so they were good 13 years ago, lets just jump for joy. They were mediocre last year even though their record appears to show them being better then that. The division of the big12 they played in is/was terrible. Take away Suh and their true colors would've been exposed. I will admit I was rooting for them to beat Texas though lol. Penn St has been hurt in recruiting since joining the big10? The 2010 class was #6 nationally, yeah really hurting when it comes to grabbing recruits...2009 they were #15, thats back to back top 20 classes. 2006: #9 (ahead of tOSU) and the top rated big10 school 2007: #21 (little down year for them, but still 21 in the country) 2008: not ranked in top 25, this is really the only bad year for them 2009: #15 2010: #6 So how was recruting hurt by joining the big10? Pennsylvania is usually loaded with talent much like Ohio, Texas, Florida and California...can the same be said about Nebraska? Also how would ND suffer in recruiting, they basically play a big10 schedule mixed with a few pac10 games. The only thing that is going to hurt ND's recruiting is 1. Their enrollment standards and 2. They haven't been relivant except for 2 years in the last 20 years. The tradition that ND and Nebraska bring, would've been sweet ala 1995ish, not 2010 when no one cares about either until expansion talks pick up. I do like Boise States move though. Teams like Boise St and TCU should get legitimite shots at a national title, all they do is go undefeated and then spank a "big boy" in a bcs game year after year. Instead of ND getting an automatic bid when they win 9 games, that bid can goto the winner of the MWC
  23. Shit my bad man, I forgot what you was talking about. Give me a shout 740 814 3936 and ignore my last pm lol
  24. Man everyone is going Meth injection on their hondas, its almost tempting for me to tinker with it before going boost just to see if its worth the hype. Your litterally the 4th person I know locally thats going meth
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