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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I had litterally 90 Honda/Acura and other various Import Hotwheels a few years back. Me and the gf had split up and she wanted them more then I did at the time, so I gave them to my cousin to give to the gf. What does the cousin do? She lets her asshole kid tear them all open and play with them, needless to say the hotwheels are now lost. I am debating on starting collecting again for my kid, but might wait til he's a little older and let him pick out ones he wants, not the ones his dad wants lol
  2. Not coming along quickly enough though. I see my hopes of making it to Import Alliance in 2 weeks fading away...
  3. Yeah cats are notorious for sucking a babies breath out of them because it smells like milk. Heres a question, should I be concerned when my dog barks at people that "hit" me. Me and the brother and law were rough housing 1 night and the dog was in his crate flipping out is that because he feel's he's higher on the totum pole then my 290lb bro in law lol, serious question with a hint of asshole in it
  4. Was heading home from work down 37 today and saw a bunch of trailor queens heading to trails. God I haven't been there in forever, last time I was there, there was litterally 20 cars maybe.
  5. Yeah I don't ever see my dog becoming agressive towards my kid or any kid for that matter. He has been around babies since 6 weeks old. I'll take videos of how he is around our kid and you can be the judge if he is trying to play alpha male next to our 6 week old son lol. All the dog wants to do is lick the damn kid, our dog has never shown signs of agression, barking to me is not agression, growling and lundging at me would be agression. Our cat is more agressive then our dog and thats a fact lol
  6. My bet is he's not chipped, reason why is most people who own pit's do not want to pay the insurance on them. By chipping him you are saying "hey I have a full blooded pit". My neighbors have 3 pits, none of them registered because they don't want to pay the insurance...real fucking great should 1 of those dogs get out and attack someone. Myself I have a boxer/pit mix and he is a pain in the ass, but honestly he is the best dog I have had. He is by far the most loyal and protective dog. When we had our son 5 weeks ago people were telling us to get rid of the dog because he would turn on the baby due to jealousy. They were absolutely wrong, not only does the dog love the baby, but he sleeps next to him every night and does not like when people make the baby cry lol. Heck he barked at me the other day when I was rocking the baby back and forth trying to get him to quit crying. If you cannot keep him do not take him to the pound and be very leary of people from craigslist. Chances are your gonna get a white gangster kid showing up at your house to pick him up from CL. Chances are also that the dog will be treated poorly and turned mean, which is fucked up and the reason pit's get a bad name. My vote is on keep him if at all possible, you know they have pet hotels where you can leave your animal should you go out of town. Hell I have a friend that takes her ankle biter dogs to a damn "baby sitter" daily
  7. 6/29/10: More paint work was done today. I got all my door jams, gas lid jam, trunk jam and underside of trunk lid all finished up. Even had enough time to put my door panels back on lol. Oh and in a couple pics it looks purple, but I got a pic for you just to show you how the metallic in sunlight changes the color drastically. Heres pics Driver Side Rear Door/Jam: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0577.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0578.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0579.jpg Passenger Side: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0576.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0575.jpg Gas Door Area: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0580.jpg Trunk Jam/Trunk Lid: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0584.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0587.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0588.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0589.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0592.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0590.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0591.jpg Oh and that picture I was telling you about: Looks purple here: http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0581.jpg And brown after only 2 coats (car will have 4-5 base coats and 4-5 clear) http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0582.jpg
  8. Thanks Shane..now if everyone was just patient they would've been able to see these updates with out any concerns lol 6/29/10: Painted the trim around the windows with some 3m spray can trim paint. It looks shiny in these pics because its still wet lol, it'll dry out and look like it did from the factory http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0573.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0574.jpg
  9. I'm with this guy, he has good dancing skills though I will give him that much
  10. Again my thoughts exactly lol. I have said over and over that a guy like Lesnar would totally destroy him, yet people are all over Fedors nuts like he is god. Is he a good fighter, yes...is he the best in the world, no!
  11. Eh its nothing too special, just a regular Integra with a lot of updates
  12. Whats funny is I said this same exact thing to my buddy yesterday, I said this might be the decline of Fedor's career. He is 33 years old, hasn't really been fighting anyone worth while (Arvloski was good...3-4 years ago). I think if Fedor wants to be considered one of the best still, he's gonna ultimately have to goto UFC plain and simple. He has 1 fight left on his contract with strikeforce. Rumor is that they are already planning a rematch for Fedor vs Werdum
  13. Umm wtf are you talkinga bout? The trim around the windows goes satin black, it was missing half the paint why not prime it and give the new paint something to bite to? The side molding strip down the middle of the doors is the same color as the car from the factory and I am keeipng it that way. The bottom of the door gets a satin black side skirt. The door handles are also the same color as the car there is absolutely no need to remove them they are primed 100% Trust me this isn't the first car I have ever painted lol, just sit back and wait to see the finished product
  14. 6/27/10: What a hot ass day, the heat index was 105 degrees and I didn't feel like doing jack shit to the car. Not to mention we had random rain showers all day long which put a dampen in the entire day. Well about 9 oclock it got cool outside and the rain stopped so I decided to get to work. Earlier in the day I had wetsanded the car and let it sit out to dry. With that already done I started masking windows off. You never know what good ads are until you use them as masking paper lol. BTW Krogers was having a pretty good sale. After that I gave the car a good wipe down with some thinner once over, let that dry and then hit it with a tac cloth just to make sure no loose particles were on the surface. The 1/4 panel on passenger side had a big ass dent that ran down the wheel well by door, it is no longer there!! There was also a scratch from a pole on the passenger side, apparently someone during this cars life did not know how to drive lol. Alright less typing and more pic showing lol: *Note* The red area in some of these pics is not body filler, it is actually primer, just so no one gets it confused with spot putty http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0480.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0479.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0560.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0564.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0563.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0566.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0565.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0571.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0569.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0568.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/101_0567.jpg Hoping to have the car running this week so I can take it to me and my dad's newly aquired spray booth to apply the base and clear. Might do the door jambs in my garage though. It just depends on how bored I get really lol
  15. Now its time for Lesnar/Carwin this upcoming weekend. I wonder if Fedor losing will force him into the UFC somehow, you know maybe to saev his reputation, because ppl are going to say the same thing Renob just said
  16. I think not!! I didn't get a chance to watch him lose live, did anyone watch the fight last night? For those that don't know he lost via submission to Fabricio Werdum in 69 seconds..from the replay I watched it looks like Fedor was off to a strong start and was landing blows, just got lazy and got caught in an arm bar.
  17. MMM probably because there is forums deticated to sports would be my guess. Trust me there is plenty of talk year round about college/pro football. Hell for tOSU alone there is Buckeyeplanet, Bucknuts, scout.com has a buckeye message board. I'm sure there is soccer forums as well most on here just don't frequent them.
  18. Haha for once I agree with Verse, atleast now I won't have to hear about soccer til the next world cup.
  19. 6/26/10 Clutch line arrived today which is a huge relief. That was the final part I was waiting for in order to fire this thing up. I do have to go pick up my axles this week so it won't be running til midweek. Also got the body work done so tomorrow I am going to wake up, hose her down, let it sit in the sun to dry and then start taping it off so I can get it in primer. After that gonna block it out 1 more time just to make sure nothing was missed and then rework any areas that need attention. Hoping to have it running, tuned and in paint by next Sunday Will have pics up tomorrow
  20. No I wouldn't consider my self a "fan" of swimming, I was just a casual fan during the olympics of Phelps because he was tearing it up for America. I don't have a huge issue with soccer, just not a fan and not one of those guys that is going to be running around screaming "omgz team USA soccer is the shit" when I've never watched more then 2 games in my life of it lol.
  21. Oh i'll root for the USA as well, hell I became a Michael Phelps fan during his olympic run even though I would never pay to watch swimming...
  22. Theres one for sale at Huber Automotive in Heath right now..
  23. Not aimed at anyone in this thread, but I find it funny how all these soccer "fans" have came out of the woodwork during the World Cup.
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