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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I am interested in this mainly to use for baking parts that I will be powder coating. Can I has a picture please just to see if its going to be big enough for my needs
  2. Another bump Friday is just 2 days away...really hate to tear this car apart, would rather see someone use it for a project
  3. Picked his up from buddy for my gf's z6...well she is now going B20 swapped in her CRX so no use for this thing. Not sure what cam its attatched to its either a z6 or y8 but i'll toss that in with it. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/Tacaras%20CRX/pinkcamgear.jpg $35 takes it!
  4. I want/need this let me see what I can do in order to get this.
  5. I'd actually like to see tOSU get the ball in the hands of Lamar Thomas. Watch the Army All-Star game from 2008, that kid tore shit up
  6. I will prob post it up on CL later tonight, thank ya sir!
  7. I pulled this out of my Dad's old bar during re-model and never got around to fixing it. The blower needs replaced from what I am told its not that expensive to have done. I just have no use/room for it now. I don't know what these things go for so i'll start somewhat high and let you talk me down. $200 (lowbal me!!) http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/cokemachine2.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/cokemachine.jpg
  8. Bump for price drop, if its not gone by Friday I will begin to part it out on Saturday
  9. Yeah won't be seeing this...anyone remember Johnny Depp in Willy Wonka? This=fail for sure!
  10. No im not living off the past year, if that was the case i'd be dreaming of Beanie in the backfield lol.
  11. 10/9/09: Ordered supplies for my wiretuck. Got 25 feet of "Flame Retardent Kevlar Loom" and 16ft of "Double Wall Heat Shrink". Tuck is going to be started and hopefully finished Saturday. Got the supplies from http://www.wiringproducts.com Oh yeah got some news around Midnight on Friday as well http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/So%20were%20having%20a%20baby/prego.jpg Yeah thats a positive pregnancy test result. It will be our first child!! Guess that front lap belt will come in handy lol, should prob invest in a JDM rear seat while were at it
  12. 10/10/09: Picked up a set of ARP head studs, now I can finally bolt the head to the block
  13. I don't know what game you are watching but you my man have that ass backwards. They call boom "boom" for a reason he is the one that delivers the blow, while Saine pussy foots into the hole and is taken down easier the Maurice Wells. For a guy that ran 10.3 100m he sure hasn't shown any break away ability or speed. Pryor is still the best "runner" tOSU has, followed honestly from what I have seen by Jordan Hall. Boom is a TD machine when healthy, yesterday was the first game in 9 games he had not scored a TD in (does not include the game he missed last week due to injury). The problem with tOSU is not the running game, its the passing game. Kinda hard to run the ball with 8-9 guys loaded up on the line of scrimmage. Until Pryor can show D-Coords that he can throw the ball consistantly the running game will suffer. Next year has 2 big stud backs coming in i.e Rod Smith (6'3 225) and Carlos Hyde (6'2 230), Hyde should've been at tOSU this year but did not qualify accademically. As long as the D plays lights out tOSU doesn't really need a great offense (see 2002).
  14. Haha ok text me or hit me up on AIM with details. I had just got done telling a friend that I didn't want any kids, then I find out I am having one lol. Oh well, what can I do about it now? I didn't know what to think at first, but now I am pretty excited.
  15. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/So%20were%20having%20a%20baby/prego.jpg Yup thats the first of 2 results...just found out me and the fiance are having a baby!!
  16. 10/9/09: Parts have started coming in, looky what I just got from the man in the Brown suit http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/Tacaras%20CRX/box.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/Tacaras%20CRX/quarterpanels.jpg More parts coming today...stay tuned
  17. 10/8/09: Well I told you updates would come this week and goodies were going to be bought, I did not lie. The bf suprised me today buy going to the local Honda dealership and ordering me a set of OEM Rear Mudflaps, just gotta source a front pair now. Then I found a local company here in Ohio that sells 1/4 panel patch panels, picked up a set as well. Best news for me is both orders will be here tomorrow. Hoping to have 1/4 panels cut out and welded in by end of this month/beginning of next month. Will have pics tomorrow once parts arrive.
  18. Thank god!! This dude couldn't catch swine flu if he was fucking an infested pig
  19. No I don't have bad credit..read my previous post and you'll see my dad who owns his own business and a couple houses had to pay a damn deposit as well. Idk if its because I live in Newark but everyone I know has had to pay a deposit they range from 150-283 now I guess lol.
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