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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. But say a team like ND wins 9 games and gets an automatic berth that makes the odds of tOSU getting an at large bid that much smaller. Its only the 4th week so a lot will change in the next 2 months.
  2. I had a criminal mischief charge expunged 2 years ago. I had to write a letter to the judge stating why I needed it expunged (you can say making it hard to find a job, house or something like that), I then got a paper stating I had a court date, walked into court house didn't even go in front of judge. Baliff handed me a paper and told me to goto clerk of courts. Paid $50 bucks and record was cleared. Now there is only certain types of felonies that can be expunged. It cost $1500 bucks to have a felony expunged (atleast in licking county, had a buddy try getting a felony theft expunged). Best bet is to call your local clerk of courts they will give you the details on how to have it taken off and if it can even be done
  3. At large spot? Hell just win the big10 and get the automatic bid to the rose bowl. I really don't think the voters are going to give tOSU an at large bid this year, I don't care how much money they bring via fans traveling to the game. Alot of fans on buckeye specific forums have basically given up already and will not be traveling to the bowl game. Like you said its early in the year, lots of football yet to be played
  4. No way in hell does tOSU get into the NCG this year. They had better hope and pray they win out and beat everyone by 38+ and just about everyone in front of them lose 2 games. I have a breakdown of how tOSU would sneak into the NCG but I don't think its going to happen. Here it is if your interested: **Note I wrote this prior to USC losing to Washington and tOSU dropping 2 spots** Heres how it works: 4 of the top 10 teams are from the SEC and they will all play one another. Atleast 3 of those teams will lose and be out of the top 10. OSU wins out and lets everything else fall into place Cal and USC play one another so theres another spot, hopefully its USC that wins this game. Then they have to drop another game to a team such as Stanford, Oregon, Oregon St or ND. Texas will go against Oklahoma St and Oklahoma. I think they lose to one of those 2 teams. Most likely Oklahoma if Bradford is back. Boise St and is the wild card here, but I see Boise St staying perfect. Games of Intrest (highlighted who I think will win: October 3rd- USC vs Cal & LSU vs UGA October 10th- Alabama vs Ole Miss & FL vs LSU October 17th- Oklahoma vs Texas & USC vs ND October 24th- PSU vs Mich & TCU vs BYU October 31st- Texas vs Ok St, UGA vs FL & Oregon vs USC Nov 7th- PSU vs tOSU & LSU vs Bama Nov 14th- Tenn vs Ole Miss Nov 21st- tOSU vs Mich, LSU vs Ole Miss Add in the Big 12 and SEC championship games. I see Florida running the table leaving them and Boise St as the 2 unbeatens left. However I do not see the voters putting Boise St in the NC game, that means the highest ranked 1 loss team will be there. Having said that if everything works out tOSU should be in position to be that team. Hopefully Penn State is still a top 5 team when tOSU plays and beats them. Also hopefully Michigan is in the top 20 come November
  5. Haha im not paranoid, just found it funny that a guy with 18 post is on here asking about peoples personalized plates. You might not have to give him what it says but most people would go into details as to how and why they picked what they did. Thus giving out what their tag says. On a side note I think Ohio has the most personalized tags out of any other state. They are everywhere
  6. especially if your into stealing cars lol Hey im also writing a book, all I need is your vin number
  7. im not saying I wouldn't take a ton of money, just showing you what it equals out too. I found this on another website
  8. I heard the phrase today "Man, I could really use a ton of money". I got curious and started doing some math. If you had a ton of penny's, you will have anywhere ranging between $3748.76 and $2852.83 depending on the year the pennys were made. If you had a ton of nickles, you would have $9072 dollars. If you had a ton of dimes, you would have $40,000 dollars. If you had a ton of quarters, you would have 40,000 dollars... interesting. If you had a ton of $1 dollar bills, you would have $907,184 If you had a ton of $5 dollar Bills, you would have $4,535,920 If you had a ton of $10 dollar bills, you would have $9,071,840 If you had a ton of $20 dollar bills, you would have $18,143,680 If you had a ton of $50 dollar bills, you would have $45,359,200 And finally... If you had a ton of $100 dollar bills, you would be sitting on a cool $90,718,400. I guess the lesson that could be learned is be careful what you wish for... You may get that Ton of money you wanted... but in penny form... and rather impractical.
  9. Thanks money is tight right now after moving into new place so once I get settled in the build will be back on.
  10. What kind of power did you put down Roy and who tuned it?
  11. Yeah having preseason rankings really hurts teams and favors others heavily. Its all based off last years final game and preseason hype. Let em play a few games and then do a poll. Not to mention you lose early in the year and your in good shape because of the poll, but you lose late in the year and your fucked.
  12. Yeah my bad got Oklahoma and Oklahoma St crossed up. Either way the polls are a crock of shit and should not come out til around the 5th week. Hell if the polls were really acurate then Michigan would be top 10 since they are undefeated, USC and tOSU would be 24 and 25th-ish and Miami would be #1 since they are the only team in the top 10 to have faced and beat 2 top 25 opponents
  13. Took him to the vet yesterda and found out that not only does have tape worms, he also has whip worms and has probably had the whip worms since birth. Per the vet, dogs get whip worms from the enviroment. Camber also got mites from being outside and has a secondary skin infection. The vet seems to think that the wormer we gave him had something to do with him getting sick but it wasnt all the wormer. So Camber came home with medicated shampoo, antibiotic, 3 meds for his stomach and Advantage to treat fleas. The vet stated other then this, he seems to be in good health, he weighed 30lbs when we took him in today and he lost about 7-10 lbs in the last week, so hes going to be a big boy and that him getting whip worms and mites is nothing that we did wrong, it just can happen from him being outside in the enviroment. But hes eating dog food again, which is great too! The vet said he should be almost 100% by tomorrow, which would be awesome!! Oh yeah the fucker is 19 weeks tomorrow and weighs 30lbs, thats after being wormed and not eating for a week
  14. Silva and Machida would be the most boring match of all time. Yes it would prob be a good fight, but god could you imagine how boring it would be. Silva lately has been dancing around not wanting to strike a lot and Machida's fighting style is boring too. Fedor is a beast no questions asked, however he is a douche and will never be in UFC so honestly the whole Fedor vs Brock is kinda pointless. I would still pick Lesnar to win that one
  15. Only person that can even put a decent challenge to Silva is GSP...lets hope that fight happens! Brock is a fucking wrecking machine and will not lose again in the UFC /debate
  16. New poll is a fucking scam. OSU wins by 38 and dops 2 spots? While a team like Oklahoma who lost to unranked at the time Houston moves ahead? They are as big of chokers as tOSU. Im not saying OSU should be top 5 because they aren't that good hoenstly but to drop 2 spots is ridiculous. Michigan should be higher then Georgia and North Carolina too 1 Florida (55) 3-0 1488 1 2 Texas (2) 3-0 1428 2 3 Alabama (3) 3-0 1390 4 4 Mississippi 2-0 1213 5 5 Penn State 3-0 1212 5 6 California 3-0 1169 8 7 LSU 3-0 1120 9 8 Boise State 3-0 1038 10 9 Miami (FL) 2-0 920 20 10 Oklahoma 2-1 862 12 11 Virginia Tech 2-1 852 13 12 USC 2-1 825 3 13 Ohio State 2-1 810 11 14 Cincinnati 3-0 739 17 15 TCU 2-0 674 15 16 Oklahoma State 2-1 478 16 17 Houston 2-0 455 21 18 Florida State 2-1 363 NR 19 Brigham Young 2-1 349 7 20 Kansas 3-0 347 22 21 Georgia 2-1 318 23 22 North Carolina 3-0 271 24 23 Michigan 3-0 247 25 24 Washington 2-1 194 NR 25 Nebraska 2-1 132 19
  17. Bucks looked good today, granted it was Toldeo but remember Toldeo beat Michigan last year and destroyed Colorado last week. Pryor still making dumbass mistakes but oh well its a win. USC goes down to Washington. Washington was 0-12 last year!! Funny how tOSU loses to top 5 teams every year and gets killed by media, USC loses to no bodies and its ok. Wonder what the excuse will be this week, no Barkley? Funny cause Corp (the backup) was supposed to be the starter til he got hurt and he was a parade all american in highschool. BYU is getting destroyed by Florida State which I kinda thought could happen but didnt see realistically. Either way i'll take it, just moves tOSU higher in the polls. Michigan looked good yet again. Hopefully they are 11-0 by the time they and tOSU hook up in November. The way I see it tOSU will be no worse then 9 when the polls come out Monday, maybe higher depending on Texas game
  18. It depends on what the trade offer is. She has a pretty good deal set up right now but if its something better she may be interested
  19. Once again Miami looked very good tonight. They gave up over 500 yards rushing last year to GA Tech, this year less then 150!! Thats 2 games against top 20 ranked teams and 2 victories. Their schedule is brutal, they have Va Tech and Oklahoma up next. If they come out 4-0 after that they might find themselves in the mix come end of the year. Scary part is they have more Freshman and Sopmores then they do upper classmen.
  20. Just saying....prob wouldn't be saying that if it was your job being taken out now would you? I do agree that blockbuster is over priced...netflix will just raise their prices once there is no competition
  21. Good job on taking down a major movie retailer. Now theres more peple flooding the already saturated job market. http://finance.yahoo.com/tech-ticker/article/331218/Blockbuster-Closing-Hundreds-More-Stores-Than-Planned?tickers=bbi,nflx,cmcsa,twc,goog Keep stealing boys/girls!!
  22. My big ass fits in it just fine (6'6 260) I got a buddy that is 340lbs and rocks one just like it.
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