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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Yeah lesson learned here is take pics up to the point of it getting on the truck I guess. I am going to call local bank in about 2mins to block paypal. Just got off the phone with Pak Mail, the owner contacted Fed Ex and filed an insurance claim with them. Hopefully they resolve the issue without being assholes. I'll keep you posted
  2. I put $400 worth of insurance on the package. Anything over $100 I always put insurance that matches the ammount paid for the item just incase something like this happens
  3. Long story short I sold a GSR head on ebay. Used PakMail which is a shipping company here in Heath to ship it out. The owner put foam all around the head inside the box. Im talking all 4 corners and even on top of the damn thing. Put the cams inside the journals, cam caps in a bag next to the head inside the box. Put a piece of foam on top of the head. Cut the box down to size so nothing moved around, cause we all know how nicely UPS/Fedex handels packages. Yesterday the buyer of the head messages me on ebay saying that the item arrived messed up. Ok, whats wrong with it I ask. Buyer informs me that the cams bounced around and messed up the journals causing them to need a line hone to be fixed, the bag containing the cam caps bounced around acting as a jackhammer against the head. Mind you it was surrounded in styrofoam. Also stated that the box had been ripped open causing the side of the head to be dented in. So I say well let me talk to the owner of Pak Mail who packaged the thing up ans see what we can do for an insurance claim. Well this obviously wasn't a good enough answer as the buyer went ahead and filed a paypal claim against me. He said I can either give him $150 back to cover a line hone or he can send me back the messed up head and I can give him the entire ammount back. Paypal has fucked up policies and will automatically refund the douchebag his money even if he doesn't send me the same item I shipped him. Had this happen to me earlier in the year, sold a cd player to a guy, he claimed it was broken. Guy sent me back a cd player that was completely different then the one I sent him that didnt even work. Paypal said there was nothing they could do, due to policy stating the buyer just has to show proof of return with a tracking number. My questions are: 1. Who is responsible for filing the insurance claim? Is it the buyer, me the sell or the shipper who packaged it up? 2. Can I put a block against Paypal through my bank so they cannot take the money back out of my account? For all I know the dude could've gotten the head and threw it on the ground. I litterally just shipped the same exact package in the same exact type of setup to Puerto Rico last week. That buyer had 0 issues with it, how the fuck does a guy in NY have all these issues?
  4. Lol its either for tv ratings when OSU plays #4 USC or they must really feel the Bucks are going to be a good team. I think if/when OSU beats USC they will finish the season undefeated and could still miss out on the NC game. There will probably be 3 undefeated teams maybe 4 (boise st) at the end of the year. No way in hell does a undefeated OSU team get to the NC game above a undefeated Florida, Texas or Oklahoma squad. BTW I am ready for football, going to go check out some highschool action this weekend. Oh if your lucky enough to get USC tickets, sell em lol. They are going for about a grand right now on line.
  5. Pulling this from my 94 GSR this week. Only reason I am pulling it is cause I am going with a built transmission setup. I would love to keep this but 1. I have nothing to put it in and 2. I don't have enough storage space at the moment. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the transmission, it shifts like butter. No rakes or grinds at all. It has 198k miles on it but again never had one issue with it.The casing is very clean on the transmission. I can have pics per request I will start price at $500 but that is obo. If it doesn't sell on here then off to ebay it will go.
  6. 8/24/09: After months of ups and downs with this build I get great news! My block is finished and coming home. It will be here friday so i'll post pics then
  7. ive seen several vids of her and she is fucking banging body wise.
  8. His old crx could use a door with rust holes eating through it in several spots? Pictures are decieving my man, this car had rusted holes in the floorboards, the rear bumper support was so bad that it siezed the plastic bumper onto it, i'll take pics of the suspension from the front and you can tell me if it was rusted or not
  9. I would hope for more then a 13sec pass with 270whp. My 5liter went 14.2 at 106mph with a 2.6 60ft time on junk ass tires. It made 205whp and 279ft/lbs on round 2's dyno. Only mods it had was a H pipe. From what I have read the key to mustangs is not the power but the suspension because they do not like to hook up for shit. Me and the fiance have been kinda talking about building a 5.0 after we get our Honda's done. I miss mine, just didnt like the gas mileage lol.
  10. No not available, parted it out and made more then I was asking lol
  11. Lmfao its this damn laptop man. Oh well I had a good time destroying it so whatever. As for my comments towards Jones, I took his remarks as saying we was hillbilly dumbfucks which is far from the truth. We might be a little redneck, but far from being dumbfucks.
  12. Lmfao you like the flip flops and torches eh? Didn't even think at out there bout it until we got out there and was like shit neither of us have shoes on haha. Feet only got burnt a couple times. And Rob I do run a quality chop shop thank you The guys at the junkyard were like umm you do have a title for this right? Nah we just saw it on the side of the road and stole it, dumbass yes I have a title. I mean fuck if I was stealing cars I wouldn't take em to the junkyard, id just bury em lmfao!! As for the backdrop that Jones is talking shit about, the gf's step dad owns a septic service. I'll put money on it that he makes more money then you Jones...wanna take me up on that?
  13. Its pretty fun and a great stress reliever lmfao!!
  14. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx2.jpg
  15. Picked this up a few days ago just for parts to use on the GF's project car. Got to looking at this car and realized just how bad it was rotted, so me and the gf's little brother decided to do a little surgery and put it out of its misery There was no bringing it back, as the entire car was starting to rot away. Rocker panels, floorboards, suspension you name it. I am in the white shirt and her bro is in the dark colored one This is what it started out as: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/Tacaras%20CRX/partscar2.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/Tacaras%20CRX/partscar.jpg And this is how its life ended: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx14.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx7.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx9.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx5.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx13.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx12.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx4.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/crx3.jpg
  16. I know all about talking people down, I do it daily lol. I am the official parts whore on ohiohondas for a reason damnit
  17. Lol exactly. I got 500 for a bare block, main caps and crank if that tells you anything.
  18. Stock 2000 GSR= B18c1 LS/RS/GS are all the same motor 90-93-b18a1 94-01-b18b1
  19. Stock in integras? LS or GSR. But you can bolt up a B20 or B16 as well. If you want vtec and dont want to pay the price for a GSR you can go B16 and everything will hook right up. What happened to the stock motor?
  20. Haha good luck finding one for less then a grand. I'm telling you they go for gold for some reason. You can pick a b16 up for less then a grand or even a LS/B20 all of which are direct bolt ins.
  21. I thought you did but I guess not. Anyways good luck to the both of you, hopefully next year people will have their cars done (myself included)
  22. Oh one other thing people should know is the cameras run all the time. They are more or less a video camera that snaps pics when triggered.
  23. i no longer have that motor. I parted it out and made over a grand lol. Best place to look is going to be car-part, craigslist, hondamarketplace.com or a company that sells jdm motors. Me personally I like http://www.tigerjapanese.com bought 6 motors from them with 0 issues.
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