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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Lol gee thanks prick! BTW did many people show up? I left around 1030ish and there was a bunch of people at polaris
  2. Hmm, i've never had an issue with him. But i'll relay the message for ya
  3. whew whoo, as for your pics this is what i do. Send them as a text to your email addy, copy and save to your comp, load to a photobucket, copy photobucket link and boom you got pics from cellular
  4. How about Alabama rolling Clemson. Clemson was by some the dark horse to be in the National Title game....guess not now lol. Bama held Clemson's dynamic running back duo to 0 yards!!
  5. I really hope they dont put Lesner vs Coture on the market. People are always dissing Kimbo for fighting 40 year old fighters (myself included), so it would be the exact same thing. I think Lesner vs Chiek Kongo is a much better fight. I would love to see Fedor in UFC but dont get your hopes up. He wants a million bucks a fight and Dana is not going to give him that much. Coture vs Liddell would be sweet if it was both of their last fights.
  6. I was there for a little bit, talked to Doc then headed to Polaris.
  7. Haha no problem Matt, yeah Meatchicken looks horrid. I thought "you know its Michigan, they have talent just waiting for their chance"....hmm maybe not! DickRod isnt going to be in Ann Arbor very long, he's pissed a lot of people off by ruiing the #1 jersey to WR tradition, making the uni's look like WVU, and some other shit that he's pulled since being hired. Beanie played last year with a gimp ankle and broken hand yet still went for 1600 yards, he'll be just fine!
  8. Cant say that I really blame ya here
  9. Yeah maybe, I mean I do run a pretty nasty offense on NCAA 09!
  10. Ok my post game thoughts, Why the fuck was Beanie even in the game? sure they are tryign to pad his stats and 2 td's would look nice but god damnit. However he did come back on his own feet which is a good sign. He sits all week, does not play against OU, sits next week in practice and gets ready to play at USC. Robiske reagrivated a shoulder injury that he got last week in practice....put him next to beanie in a recliner just chillin for the next 2 weeks. All the freshman looked good!! Pryor's throwing motion is one of the most hideous looking things I have ever seen ."but he was 4-5" yeah on 10 yard passes, his running ability gives OSU another dimiension. Posey looks like he is going to be the real deal! Defense was well just OSU D being OSU D...dominant! Kicking game was phenominal, they never punted, and the 60yard field goal would have been good from 70! All in all a good but boring game which I expected. I think next weeks game will be the same. BTW Bowling Green is beating Pitt, Pitt was by many supposed to be a dark horse to win the Big East and goto a BCS game.
  11. This is going to be like watching a practice, but im still pumped! BTW for those that have time warner, big10 network is channel 24. Just turned it there and they got it working finally!
  12. So how much did mommy and daddy pay for your bmw?
  13. No one just throwing that out there. I know how people are, "hey man wanna 40 roll? Nah not really, oh cmon pussy lets run". Just trying to avoid drama before it ocurs
  14. Bentley im interested in the water temp gauge, i get paid the 9th so ill hit you up
  15. ^^speaks the truth. BTW Shawn I got about 4 cars that want tuned I talked to AJ earlier figured I would give you a heads up. Ill hit you up in the next week with more details.
  16. I'll be out, before anyone thinks they are gonna try and call me out on a race. Let me make this perfectly clear. I will not waste my gas on you not saying my cars the shit, but I dont race on streets. I have way too many points on record as it is, so again if you wanna come up and talk thats cool. You wanna come up acting like a douchebag because I wont run you then dont even waste your time or mine.
  17. Either way history will be made this election. Either a black president or a female vice...
  18. not plugable, went to NTB where my buddies work and they said its fubar. Im picking up a Yokohama from my buddy in a few for 30bucks. I have the worst luck I tell ya. Atleast it wasnt one of the radials
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