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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Wonder if this was my buddy Jordan and his s2k, i'll ask him to see if he messed with a car today
  2. Looking for a reputable shop that can weld in 1/4 panel patches. I am buying these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/88-89-90-91-92-Honda-CRX-Rear-quarter-panel-Rust-Repair_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33644QQihZ001QQitemZ110267762152QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW I dont need the whole things welded in just spots, so those will have to be cut up some and those patches put on my car. Who do you guys know that can do this and how much am i looking at price wise, trying to get done in the next couple weeks
  3. Lyricall they remind me of Matchbox 20, vocally a mix between Axl Rose and Hanson lol
  4. So I was driving listening to WNCI and heard this song, I usually look for new music and always see if a new band has other songs besides the radio ones. Well I hear this and think its not that great vocally but lyrically its alright, thinking its a chick singing that reminds me a little bit of Melissa Ethridge, only to find out its a dude
  5. Just proves my point that Soulja Boy ruins youthful minds
  6. Lol I walked in, the dog jumps up on the counter I was like oh shit thats a big ass dog. They made him move while shaving my pulley down and he was just like a kid, moaning and groaning cause they told him to move. Matt is a cool dude, the guy that owns it cant think of his name was pretty cool with me as well. Im gonna take a head that i have to them and build it later this year
  7. Oh shit how could I forget the most important car song ever lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJDLRCXR2ZM
  8. Let me get in on this please: One of the tightest rap songs that not a lot of people appriciate, sickest line "like a doctor with a stethoscope I dont see no fucking hope" Fabolous Breathe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waSuGcUQPII How I feel towards a lot of people lately lol. Maino Hi Haters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GA2N42o0vc Theres more but i'm too sick right now to even think
  9. Yeah well it would've been nice of them to tell me it would take over 2 weeks when I dropped it off instead of "shouldnt take more then a couple days" Oh well no real hard feelings, crank pulley is fixed so its all good
  10. Took my crank pulley to Fowler originally where it sat on their counter for 2 weeks untouched. Went and picked it up today, went over to Phillips where they had it done in 20mins while i sat there and to boot only charged me $20 compared to the $66 Fowler wanted!
  11. haha i think that is alex's dad driving but it might be alex
  12. when his daddy lets him drive it which will be never lol!
  13. Yeah but sad part is most of those people are millionaires! Just goes to show you what 1 song with a catchy little song can get you
  14. Your a blind fucking idiot. do you not read the parts where i'm saying "try to gain custody of the kids" retard
  15. Lmfao this has to be one of the oddest and funniest hip hop beefs i have seen in a while. It started when Ice T said that Soulja Boy was the reason hip hop is in the state of emergency that it is, Soulja Boy responds by calling Ice T lemonade lol Ice T: http: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAEtUOHu5oY //www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWG-Dj4OHDU&feature=related Soulja Boy: What are some of your favorite hip hop beefs/diss tracks. Post links if you could. I like the Eminem vs Whitey Ford and Shady vs Murder Inc ones
  16. Wait your hating on me because I told the guy to not drag this through court and run up outrageous court fees? Yeah that makes sense... Why run up bills and put the kids through a nasty ass break up when you can just agree to get the divorce, try gaining custody and call it a day. That is where I was getting at but again thanks for the pointless attack towards me
  17. Lol that did give me a good laugh and me and drew are on better terms thanks to some pm's. Now enough with this nice shit, lets get back to bashing me
  18. Again not an e-thug, I just think shit talking over the net is still the same as talking shit in real life
  19. Yes please lets get back to this
  20. I dont trust anyone so woman are not singled out, but to the OP I do feel sorry for you, I have seen divorces first hand and also seen friends go through a couple for the same reasons. Best of luck to you
  21. Wont ever put me in the position to be cheated on now will it? Besides i'm living quite enjoyable with that attitude thank you
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