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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Too bad he'll never be in UFC though because he wants to much money
  2. People really expected Tim to compete against Fedor? Tim is a fucking joke, he's big, slow and not very good. Only reason he was heavyweight champ in UFC is because Randy retired and they didnt have any other worthwhile heavyweights after Frank Mir left. Fedor is pound for pound the best fighter in the world hands down. Anderson Silva will do fine in the 205 class, although I dont think he will dominate. Way too many great 205lb guys in UFC. Rampage is on his way out the door in UFC atleast for a while after his drunken "rampage" where he ran from the cops. Dana wont allow someone like that to be the face of the company. On a side note my buddy fought in his first MMA fight last night and ko'd his opponent in 6 seconds! Was for sure a night of quick knockouts. The next UFC ppv is hands down the best one all year. Roger Huerta, Brock Lesner, GSP cmon how do you get better then that
  3. That place is known to serve underage as well. I doubt it gets shut down, they make way to much damn money for that town for them to shut it down completely
  4. Yes I understand its 2.5 hours long, I remember vividly being there til 230is lol. What I mean by them cramming so much into a short amount of time is this, they couldn't decide which character to base the movie on so just like in Spiderman3 they kinda cheated one of the important characters. I feel that if the movie would've only had 1 villian it would have been much better. I'll end up getting the dvd and watching it over and over til I like it 100%. I didnt like Batman Begins when it first came out and now I love that movie.
  5. I really didnt think it was all that great. Ledger will not win an oscar for this performance. I liked Batman Begins a lot more then this one. To me Dark Knight just seemed way to stretched out kinda like Spiderman 3, like they was trying to cram way to much into such a short time as well. I give it 6 outta 10. What made Ledgers performance so great? I mean yes he did do a solid job at potraying the Joker, I actually like his version better then Jacks. But honestly theres not one thing about his performance that makes me say "oh damn thats an oscar worthy performance". he wasnt on screen enough in my opinion. He was pretty damn funny though i'll give ya that, the nurses outfit was the best costume for him in this movie lmfao! Plus he will have a hard time winning it as a comic book villian honestly. His best movie honestly was Brokeback Mountain (insert gay jokes here) The only reason he was being hyped up as "oscar worthy" was unfortunately due to his death right before the movie was released. That along with a 3 year wait created some of the biggest hype surrounding a movie I have seen since the Star Wars trilogy. **Edited because I had spoilers down here**
  6. Well i guess that solves that, looks like im gonna be saving gas tomorrow
  7. Ok so i'm thinking about going to the track for the first time this year and just wanna make sure my car will pass tech before I waste gas getting there. Just a couple questions for you guys, i looked on the NHRA site and that shits hard as hell to read and understand off of lol. Anyways heres the questions: 1. If you have your battery relocated to rear of the car do you have to have a kill switch even if its in a battery box? 2. Do your harness's have to be bolted to a roll bar? Any and all helpful answers are appriciated in advance
  8. Frightened lol. He might be an alright kid all I know, but from what little I have seen out of him is he is a flaming ricer.
  9. bwahaha or carry around a tbone steak in my pocket
  10. Haha cant outrun the fucking dog though!
  11. I fail at life, 2-3 years ago before I had so many encounters with the police i would've prob dropped a gear and left him, but I have grown up some....damn i hate it
  12. Oh yeah the roads were soaked and it was sprinkling to boot! Figured i'd add that in there
  13. Yeah thats pretty much what I am expecting him to say. Im more mature then to race 1 night after people get busted in the same exact spot, moron!
  14. Hey I can do it. My dad owns his own business and I have been working off and on for him since I was 18.
  15. Haha they tried getting me and 2 others to talk to them last night on camera. My buddy told them that he was one of the ones that got away as a joke, then I asked if they wanted to 40roll and i'd give them the hit. haha then we just walked away cause we wasnt telling them shit, so they couldnt twist words to make us look like assholes
  16. We went to sonic last night to get food and the news pulled up trying to interview us. They was definitley fishing for a story, we all just politely walked away from that loaded question
  17. Yes its the same kid whos battery died because he sat there with his system bumping and neons glowing one night. Same one with all the damn stickers on his car which from what I have heard is stock
  18. Yeah man we left about 2mins after you did and here he comes trying to race me. I am seriously in 5th gear cruising at 65mph not even looking over at the kid.
  19. You are a Moron! Heres the story, went up to sonic tongiht because me and my buddies were just out cruising cbus. My roomate and friend go and get food at sonic. I pull over there waiting on them to finish eating. Start heading out of Polaris and low and behold theres king rice. I instantly call my buddy folowing me to inform his that $20 bucks says this kid revs at me or tries racing. Im $20 dollar richer! I pull onto Polaris Parkway, start heading to 71 to go home. Here he comes like a bat out on my right hand side, then a silver mustang rolls up on my left. The guys in the mustang are actually half way cool. I look over at them while rice boy is revving the piss out of his car and ask them if this kid is serious. They start laughing and ask me what happened up there last night. I tell them that some people got busted so im not about to risk that shit. They go on their way as do I. I get over in the right lane and hop on 71, here he comes again. Im cruising at 65 just minding my business, while hes still revving it at me. I look over and give him the thumbs down cause 1. I dont want to race, and 2. your a fucking retard. Keep driving up 71, and he keeps trying to get me to race, finally I downshift and pull away not racing but trying to get the fuck away from this kid. Get on the 270 ramp and here he comes on the left on 71 showing me what that stickered up Tiburon has to offer. The mustang rolls by honks and waves and home I go. Moral of the story, guys in the mustang were cool, kid in the tiburon well no so much
  20. Why? Theres nothing wrong with hanging out...just dont be stupid about it and the cops will have no reason to be dick
  21. old enough to bleed, old enough to breed! if theres grass play ball, if not roll her over and play in the mud
  22. You can even race the cops there, the Dare car from Heath goes out there alot
  23. Ok then delete it.... Started it to see where people were going to be hanging out now that sonic is shut down. Didnt intend for it to cause drama, but i have a feelings its heading that way so just delete it
  24. http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2008/07/12/slideshow_arrests.html
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