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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I dont remember the company who threw the even off hand, id have to ask my buddy. The dude I fought looked the part, but was out of shape so bad that serilously 30seconds into the damn thing I knew he was done. And I have noticed a lot of fights breaking out at these events, hell even leaving a bar after UFC you see everyone turning into "cage fighters" in the parking lot
  2. I fought in an event last year. Kinda spur of the moment type of deal. I was thre with some friends watching a friend from Cleveland fight, they was short a fighter. My buddies all said I should enter and see what happens. So I did and ended up against a 300lbs dude that I thought was gonna whip my ass. 300lbs and couldnt fight for shit lol, ended up winning 250bucks for my 60seconds worth of time. Ask Mattsn2o281....On a side note i'd never do it again unless I was sponsored or had full health insurance.
  3. Overrated both as a driver and on the hot scale!
  4. im going to look into the Schroth harness's. My local cops are straight up pricks. I just dont wanna drive around with racing seats and stock belts kinda defeats the purpose to me.
  5. Lmfao I am putting a cage in the car anyways, and already thought about rocking the helmet for shits and giggles. How much more rediculous can I possibly look being 6'5 in a pink crx lmfao
  6. Pinks is garbage, yet we all watch it lol!! It should be heads up every race, if your slow go the fuck home!
  7. I didnt think they was legal, but damn they are a lot safer then factory belts. I just dont want to be hassled for driving around with them on.
  8. Just out of curiousity is it legal to just rock your 5point harness's while driving instead of the facotry seat belts?
  9. I love when some kid argues with me that Johnny Cash wrote that song lol. I like them both!
  10. just a heads up, honda puts 126ft/lbs on that damn crank pulley bolt. Have fun taking it off unless you got air!!
  11. I picked this up from a buddy and really have no use for it, was just helping him out financially. Anyways its a 6a box and blaster 2 coil. Not gonna lie the box looks pretty worn since its old, but it works just fine. He had it on his car for a while (95 GSR) but money issues are forcing him to sell off most his stuff. Id like 90 out of this but im willing to go lower or trade for stuff.
  12. Right I was just saying that Chuck has an amazing sprawl that is pretty much his ground game. Also I think Kimbo's next rumored fight is against Shamrock...Frank Shamrock that is! Until he fights a quality opponent with a legit MMA backgroud the dudes all hype in my eyes
  13. ok let me get in on this. 1. He wont goto UFC becuase Dana wants athletes not thugs! 2. He would get rocked by Coture, Fedor or hell even Lesner. He has no ground game and lets see how he reacts to knees to the grill!! Also you ever notice in his fights that if he is losing his posse jumps in to start shit just so he can catch his wind. Sure the dude can brawl, but UFC isnt for brawlers anymore just talk to Houston Alexander. It takes more then punching to win in the octagon. He fought a 42 year old tank abbot that lets face it is way over his prime. Kimbo is 10 years younger for starters. You ever watch the fight where Kimbo loses? He starts getting drilled while on the ground and his crew yell to break it up. At one point in time hes trying to call a timeout...lmfao theres no timeouts in fighting! The dude is hype, sure he can throw some hands and sure he looks like a monster on youtube. Put him up to an equal opponent instead of the guys he fights in backyards and old timers and see how he does. Oh and for the poster that said Chuck doesnt have much of a ground game, you do realize he has one of if not the best sprawls...theres no need to be good from your back if they cant put you on it to begine with. Lesnar would take Kimbo to the ground within 30seconds. Look at what he did to Fank Mir who is a former champion I believe. You cant go in just throwing wild punches, youll get caught with a hook to your own jaw and its lights out
  14. Ah I still would have to go with Razhel! But this dude is pretty sick...here check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsQt_kl6zRU
  15. Most sponsors want you to already be modded! Its kind of an oxymoron, your asking for help to mod your car...thier wanting it already done. Good luck though
  16. bone stock 5.0 foxbody stangs put down about 205whp!! Least thats what my bone stock 5.0 did and 279ft/lbs . I would have to say the rb has more potential, due to the 5.0 being notorious for splitting in half when you go over 450hp
  17. i saw them at nationwide for the meteora tour, this was before they tried turning into u2 and got gay! Now maybe if theyd go back to thier roots and make some good music instead of the shit they called Minutes to Midnight I wouldve went. But I will give them credit for throwing a hell of a live show. BTW what cover songs did they do? When I saw them they did a NIN cover and busted out My December on piano which at the time was new.
  18. This song just signifies the state of depression that mainstream rap/hip hop is in...when guys like Soulja Boy and Lil Wayne are running shit, its time to turn the radio!!
  19. Bwahaha thanks for making me spit my cereal at my comp screen asshole!! Lol j/k
  20. Sorry to thread jack, but if this is the same guy that I think it is, he also claims to be in the top 5 fastest GTO's in the whole United States!! BTW he got beat on by some hondas last year while he was "n/a yet spraying" If its the same guy which it might not be.
  21. Cars Cars Cars No g/f, dont really talk to family much....so all 3 goto cars!
  22. My kid sister totalled her car and my mom is now parting it out. Heres all the info you need: 1999 Grand Am 2dr, light blue in color 156k miles Automatic Doors forward are perfect, car was wrecked on driver side 1/4 panel Does not smoke, runs great Brand new tires with 500miles of use on them (yup only took her 500miles before she wrecked lol) If you need parts lmk and ill find a price for you!
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