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Everything posted by JonnyNashville

  1. A fire sale of sorts as I am moving across the country Wednesday... Black (vinyl?) computer chair purchased from Target in good shape. $10 White 20" Lasko Box Fan. Works like new. $5 Pickup at 43201 (Essentially the intersection of Lane Avenue and Summit Street) If you will take both I will let both items go for $10 total.
  2. I have the most basic ATT phone with charger. Black flip phone. Works like new. It is my back up currently and I will let it go for $20. PM me! If I receive a PM from you I will figure out which model of the LG phone it is!
  3. Please shoot me a PM with your best price.
  4. Thanks for the posts. The printer should be gone this evening. I will update the thread.
  5. Just saw it. I sent you a PM! You can come get it tomorrow night if you want. Give me a call!
  6. So weird. I am about to sell this same printer on here, but it's used. Good luck with the sale.
  7. Make an offer guys. I know someone needs this stuff.
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