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Everything posted by JonnyNashville

  1. Definitely not a chance I'd trade straight up. Sorry dude. It looks like that car books around $17,000.
  2. Keep the offers coming. I have a trade for an Evolution VIII plus cash that exceeds the value of my asking price and someone willing to pay $21,000, but no deposits or confirmation yet. The car will not last past next weekend.
  3. Tons of interest. I wouldn't be surprised if the car is sold within the next week. Let me know if you've got the cash.
  4. Looks really clean. Good luck with the sale.
  5. If you're serious PM me with how much cash on top of your ride you're willing to throw down and give me some more info. Thanks. Disclaimer: I will need to know how much I can sell the Mini for tomorrow because that is exactly what I'd do. Not trying to be a dick, but I'm just too tall and would rather have the cash.
  6. I am considering trades. Mostly trades plus cash. I have a very tempting offer for an Evolution VIII plus cash right now... but I'm really looking to just get the sale price.
  7. No, haha. That's 3 people who thought they spotted the car. There is probably an identical wingless STi running around Columbus.
  8. Thanks for the bump. Clean/Clear title in hand. Zero track time and never launched.
  9. No problem. I moved the price location so it's easier to see. Thanks for the input.
  10. Specifications updated in original post.
  11. Jacket is sold! I also have a perfect pair of Alpinestars black leather riding gloves that were originally $60. They come in the original packaging and look new. Size Large http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y216/cbr_f3/IMG_0043.jpg
  12. Looking for low profile, high performance tires. 17" and at least 225 wide. Let me know what you've got!
  13. I figured it was too late to call so I sent you a text. I will definitely pick these up tomorrow if you've stick got them. Thanks.
  14. I'm working on it. You should hear from me this evening. PM me with a phone number please.
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