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Everything posted by Twistedrx7

  1. Maybe for assholes who just want the snake for the cool factor and dont take care of the animal.
  2. you will be grandfathered in to the unlimited
  3. Probably taken in a chase bathroom. shouldnt be hard to find.
  4. You mean besides buying him a corvette? maybe that was someone else?
  5. I would plan on using it for the internet connection since service sucks in my area. Ill call customer service and see. I was really looking to getting one today. I constantly get dropped calls where i live so i have called in constant times to complain. Im 2 miles from a tower yet in a dead spot. The rep told me one time to go to a different network. talking to customer service, apparently im in an area with limited coverage from the railroad track on taylor north of broad up to havens corners wtf... Poop i told them im looking to switching and they readily told me sprint has unlimited data on their network yet only on sprints tower. What happened to saving a customer from leaving?
  6. same one that had V cast tv and unlimited data? then they got rid of the Vcast TV just unlimited now?
  7. So i'm not too happy the unlimited data plan has disappeared from VZW. I have the old old old unlimited data plan that was 15 bucks back in the day, along with unlimited messaging in network and 50 out of network for like 5 bucks. If i upgrade to the Iphone 4s am i able to keep my unlimited plan and messaging plan? I wouldnt think they could tell me i need to upgrade since i already have a data plan? any insight?
  8. Pretty Excited myself and another employee were recognized for the ICON award!
  9. you are providing your user id to the systems at work. all someone needs to do is figure out your password. They can use it to call in when reporting a claim and pretend to be you. Various reasons.
  10. ? bump http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/images/why-so-serious-1.jpg
  11. I thought that is what the V8 part was for...
  12. He is probably referring to the south cafe and not the north
  13. What department thorne? what is your job title? Im on the 2nd floor.
  14. Anything that has a drain. Usually people just run an open vent instead.
  15. Might not have enough air flow going up and out the roof.
  16. Does the battery still hold a charge? if so ill pick it up tomorrow
  17. they might be ringing up the item then putting it under the account. that would cause the price to not change. are you letting them know its under CR first?
  18. fiberglass the old one, trim, attach padding and material call it done.
  19. text the pics to columbus racing :dumb:
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