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Everything posted by Twistedrx7

  1. He is reading this as we speak. He stalks me.
  2. youll have to welcome tony to the internet first
  3. thanks guys. apparently they are retarded and told me the wrong job. It is For Risk operations analyst.
  4. Just got a interview there for this position. Not sure how since i dont remember applying for the position.
  5. yeah sounds simple enough. Are there any concrete chunks in there? Otherwise its just as simple as tilling up the grass, putting fresh sod down and watering.
  6. How does one melt an Apex seal? Cant say i have ever seen anyone do that.
  7. 1000000 on the gsx...that it will explode
  8. check with your own bank first, they would be willing to do a lower interest rate since you have probably been with them for awhile.
  9. ill try to not go to jail this time:(
  10. so he condems people who drive a prius yet he owns one himself?
  11. I didnt say anything about the car itself. Just asked what was special about a 35r. Everyone and there mom seems to have one today. Like i said i dont participate in illegal activites anymore when it comes to racing. Local Pd seems to be corrupt and lie to protect one another. i said 13 or 14 bc that was the last time i remember you running. I could care less who wins the race, its just a race, my life doesnt depend on it. If you are so set on a roll race then you win. Its not worth the risk anymore to me. congrats.
  12. i hope he has a freakin intake manifold rather than just sucking in straight dirty air.
  13. triple because shanton hasnt even said anything back yet only other people.
  14. seeing as i am just now getting ready to have my driving record be clean from all the racing i used to do, doesnt seem worth it to lose my job over it. Hell we can do a circle track as well. i know shanton cant get his car under a 14 or 13 in the quarter mile anyway
  15. Yeah, i dont street race anymore after what ive gone through. Guess its called being grown up. Id be happy to do it on the track.
  16. didnt mean to hurt your bros feeling man, i hope you still like me. im really a nice guy.
  17. all of your posts make me think you are still in high school mode.
  18. damn doc just bring the limo. Ill come out if you buy me two as well haha
  19. guess you really havent heard loud then.
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