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Everything posted by Twistedrx7

  1. i couldnt understand a word past her slurring.
  2. really? that didnt seem like much stress on the engine. Unless i am missing something?
  3. Twistedrx7


    I get my 90- 100 dollar jeans for 3 bucks
  4. Yep just as i said on the first page. sam is great at what he does. He usually even offers to let you drive his Ferrari's.
  5. hmm smaller engine, more horsepower...and looks better than a ford.
  6. Twistedrx7


    i wear jeans all day everyday...dont pay shit
  7. friends dont let friends drive fords...than again we arent really friends so go ahead :gtfo:
  8. you might get better hits with borrow
  9. marines dont show emotion...Thats why his dad was always gone...he could never handle dealing with his emotions..
  10. Twistedrx7


    No i think he just want you to give it to him
  11. re read what i wrote :Now you cannot get a reckless operation on private property if you have permission from the property owner, which you do not. If the property owner gives you permission, and it is signed, the ticket will not hold up in court.
  12. I was expecting it to be the same mustang as his dad. unfortunately not.
  13. A lot of misinformation going on in here. First pleading not guilty is not a continuance. A continuance is going into court and asking for a continuance based on the fact you need time to find a lawyer. What you dont know is that finding the right judge is key. So if you plead not guilty you automatically get assigned a judge. If you get a continuance this will give you lawyer time to pick the judge he wants in a sense. They are in court different weeks, and are usually on a rotation. Now you cannot get a reckless operation on private property if you have permission from the property owner, which you do not. here is a good lawyer http://www.manta.com/coms2/dnbcompany_6tgxw0
  14. I always thought the marines were just a dance partner for the navy... Guess you don't know me very well...as i have no problems with todays military operations going on. Now i said "gay" because the mustang was weak.
  15. Twistedrx7


    and this one goes out to alittlelessordinary For you
  16. Twistedrx7


    http://fc38.deviantart.com/fs31/f/2008/230/2/7/Cherry_blossom_rib_design_by_truth_is_absolution.jpg http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/1060/peacockfeathertattoodesyo7.jpg And just because http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/308/c/1/angel_wings_by_9tattoo.jpg
  17. Twistedrx7


    Your wife know you are talking like that
  18. Twistedrx7


  19. Twistedrx7


    THUG LIFE /thread
  20. Twistedrx7


    someone owned tilley for once...
  21. watchtvsitcoms.com tvlinks.com
  22. you sure it wasnt a chick flick?
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