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Posts posted by HUMBLER1647545517

  1. Coming to this section a bit late I hear! :asshole: This is Lance from Westerville with a 70 GTO HT and 06 TBSS AWD both bone stock. Know several of you folks from the GTO community and just met a couple of you guys from the recent "event" over at the Doubletree last week. Sorry about that!


    Auto enthusiast all my life and in process of making some decisions for the 70 and hopefully wheelin a newage GTO again soon.


    By the way "HUMBLER" is contrary to what most think... It was the tag line for the advertising campaign of the 1970 GTO and that being my year have always used it for my Forum name...

  2. Hmm, seem to be not getting my point across very well. I'd respond to each of you but I'll try this...


    Its late at night, a group of "foreign" (as in foreign to the brand / make of the cars already there) cars rolls in. That action right there is suspect in that everyone there took notice and immediately was on the defense. No one knew who you were until later, no one knew the 10 or so other cars that showed up. I'm not accusing anyone, I'm not blaming anyone I'm just saying look at the situation at its highest level and you see the suspect of it. I can say this because I saw the reaction of everyone there, we all stood up or at least turned our heads.


    This wasn't like QS&L or other meets this was a "closed" show that just didn't happen to be closed at the moment due to the guys manning the entrance had long gone and we didn't put the cones up as we should have.


    The only person that really did anything wrong in all of this was the ass that pissed and the local GTOACO for not putting the cones up.


    As far as the acqusations of who I am. I've known 4 or 5 of the members here for years. I didn't see any requirement to go to the classroom first, my bad. I've been in the hobby for years and in no way am a troll looking to start crap by posting here just trying to tell the other side of the story here from one of the event organizers.


    For those of you that were there I was the guy in the TBSS floating around just trying to learn what all was going on as fast as I could.

  3. Let me tell you the entire story since i was sitting in sam's car when this happened...


    First things first, we invited to the GTOAA nationals by someone in the show, and wanted to see if we could get anyone to race. a few of the car that were with us cruised through the lot. when get got to a group of people we ask if there was anyone that wanted to race, when we were told no we went on the the next group, keep in mind there werer only about three large groups of poeple. When no one wanted to race we went back and talk to the GTO owner that invited us. while sitting there talking to him i see a crowd start to gather behind sam's car and some guy's baby dick out of his pants. I jump out of sam's car walk to the back and pushed the guy, only to realize he was indeed peeing on sam's car and on himself. With in 30 seconds the cop was there telling me and sam there was nothing he could do because he did not see the guy piss on sam's car. i then told the cop i wanted him arrested for public intoxication and the cop told me he was not going to do anything to him.


    The cop was fine with us being there until Cavin started to laugh in his face and then cavin alone proceeded to get kicked out. It wasnt until three people including myself went back looking for this guy that the cop told us to leave. When i told the cop i bought a room he told me we could stay.


    No one i was with did/would key any car at a car show however, i did want to piss a on GTO that night and would have if i knew where that guys car was.


    Nothing in the lot was blocked off everything was completely open which is why we drove through. I also told the cop to his face that we were there to find people to race.


    You need to get your story straight. i was also standing there when some old fuck started to wine to the cop that he should take down plate numbers just incase we come back and damage any of the car.


    In this day and age you are surprised by all of this? Go back and read what you wrote and then imagine you rolled into a Mopar event or Corvette event. Probably wouldn't have turned out as good as it did! LOL. The point is the lot should have been closed off (my bad), you should have realized what you were doing was questionable no matter how you look at it. Also, Brian, you should have met these guys up front and all of this would have been avoided! Figures...just kidding man!

  4. We're looking into removing the guy from the GTOAA but he should have been pointed out at the seen to the GTOACO and/or GTOAA. I doubt much will happen at this point rather than we all know now how to handle this in the future. The lot wasn't shut off which was our fault. No need for any "foreign" group of cars to roll through any show that late at night. Our bad for not closing the lot off sooner. You guys were cool just a couple bad seeds on the Classic GTO side causing problems, the whole week mind you it wasn't just this one incident.
  5. I'm told there's a GTO club day or something at Trails on the 27th I believe, I'm sure someone on the GTO forums knows about it.


    I bring it up because our SCCA region has been asked to hold the autocross for it and I know there are a number of GTO owners on here and their looking for more people to participate in the event as a whole. I believe their going to possibly open it up to other similiar makes as well.


    Anyone on here going to this?? Obviously I will be there helping with the autocross portion of it.


    Just joined to read up on the antics at our show and saw this, thanks for all your hard work! Which one were you out there?

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