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Posts posted by Draco-REX

  1. Same thing happened to me, while delivering pizza's. lol If you need help Eric let me know.


    Heh. Pizza delivery is hard on cars. I was a bit of a speed demon too. So much so that my local Midas stopped honoring their Lifetime Warranty on pads after I went through three sets in under a year. But my pizzas always showed up steaming!

  2. Yep. I wanna know where he got that cool sticker and does it automatically comes with the ill driving skills he likes to display during rush hour?


    Is there a mail-in rebate for those driving skills? I thought maybe that was why he had so many cool stickers.


    Ahh, the myriad number of life's issues that can be solved with a shoving bumper. :)

  3. sweet thanks man. Also does anyone know any good yet cheap places to make shirts. I want them to look professional but hope not to pay alot.


    Once you have the designs, check out CafePress.com. They'll make T-Shirts, Polos, Hoodies, Mugs, you name it. And If your designs sell I believe you get a cut.

  4. so do u like fliping people off on bikes as ur getting off the freeway?????


    p.s ill be nice on here so i dont get banned


    That was *not* me. Haven't flipped anyone off.


    AHH!!! I remember.


    That was not my middle finger! LOL! I like the Busa and gave you a "Rock on!" :cool:




    LOL. I'm sorry you thought it was a middle finger!


    Guess I'll stick with a thumbs-up in the future.

  5. I was doing some reading and it appears that there are a lot of people in the world that have developed a fear of driving. Getting behind the wheel causes panic attacks, and disrupts lives in general.

    How many of us have had to deal with not being able to enjoy the cars we love at one point or another in our lives?


    I personally still do not trust my car. Dancing between a median and a semi kinda took that trust away. This is why I'm racing it so much. I'm trying to get over that mental road block the only way I know how... pedal to the floor! That's also a big reason why I havnt been up to QS&L. Everytime I get near 270/23 I pretty much have an anxiety attack.


    Anyone else?


    This hasn't happend to me yet *knock on wood*. But a while ago I was a moderator in an Automotive IRC channel. There was one regular with a supercharged 351 mustang running 27lbs of boost. He would hit low 9s/8s all day. He didn't show one day and we wondered what was up. Turns out in one race, his opponent had a blowout, and entered his lane sending him into the wall. His mustang was destroyed and he was hospitalized. (Damned doctors released him the same day even thoguh his helmet was in pieces. He passed out later that night and had to go back into the hospital.) Anyways, I asked him what he was going to do with the insurance money, if he'd get back behind the wheel, and he said to me, "I'm going to try for 7s!"


    Granted, it's different for everyone, but often the best thing to do is just get right back into what scares you.

  6. do u still have a 30 day tag on ur sti?


    Yeah. Probably going to have a temp longer. If I understand correctly, the tag is just so I can wait for the title to take it to the RMV to register it, not wait for a plate. If that's so, then I'm going to order a vanity plate which'll probably mean another temp plate. :p Hope those things are waterproof. Hate to have my plate disappear because it rains.

  7. Are these HIDs? If so, failing ballasts can cause a flickering or strobe effect.


    THen again, looking again at the year and model, probably not.


    Are the headlight controls on a stalk? I've had older cars where the wires at teh base of a control stalk started shorting out. That made for some odd happenings.


    Otherwise, I'd do what you first though, and check the ground for the headlights. And you might even try swapping out the bulbs and relays to narrow down the issue.


    You can also try replicating what 's causing the flickering itself. Does it happen over bumps? Try juggling the headlight housings, or other parts. That may lead you to the part causing the problem..

  8. BTW, traction control doesn't work anyway, replaced the lt side axle with a non-abs part by mistake over a year ago. Haven't corrected that yet either.


    This is probably why the TCS was locked up. Because it wasn't getting any readings from that wheel, it probably thought you were in a constant state of slipping. When your car is stationary, you would be able to apply throttle normally. But once you get moving, the TCS system would detect the mismatch in signals from the wheels and start trying to correct.


    But yeah, I'd have gutted the motor in your case also. Unless you really liked TCS, it's best to just get rid of it. Only time I ever liked TCS was when I had just picked up my TA a long time ago. I wasn't expereinced in having so much power to the rears and nearly put it sideways in an intersection. The TCS saved my bacon. But after that, it was useless. In the snow it was worse than useless as it wouldnt' let the tired rotate enough t oburn down through the snow and get traction. It was always better to turn TCS off in the snow. Go fig.

  9. This is how I understand the intercooler sprays:



    Good to reduce heat-soak, or to provde cooling if there isn't much air going over the IC. However, it'll never get the IC much lower than ambient. Adding some alcohol to the water can get you a couple degrees lower, but not much. More effective on TMICs rather than FMICs because of gravity.



    Capable of sub-zero temperatures. However the sudden drop can cause metal fatigue, and can cause condensation that becomes ice. In that case, the ice can block airflow through the IC. As for CO2 or N2O, some of it wll be sucked into the intake, and performance wise, N20 is better for your engine to ingest than CO2.

  10. OK, Pics are up HERE


    Again, my friend was just having fun and trying out different things. So there aren't many pictures of complete cars. But I think there are some good shots all the same.


    EDIT: Figured out hot to get the original size. Select a picture then "Different Sizes" in the lower right. At the top on the next page should be an "Original" selection. For some reason "Original" wasn't there before.

  11. I had fun. :) It was good meeting everyone. My friend (the crazy guy in the bright red pants) snapped a bunch of pictures. He's not a photographer, but he has an eye for neat shots. So most of the pictures are pretty cool abstract shots. I should have them all up on Flickr by tomorrow, and I can e-mail high-rez versions if anyone likes. When I'm done uploading I'll post the address.
  12. I like the ideas, but you are missing the big picture. I plan on possibly buying a car a YEAR before he even gets his license. Something we can work on together and fix up and get him going. Something he can learn on how to fix, get to know, etc. It's not like I'm going to buy him a car the day he turns 16 and say "here, go fix it". Hence the reason so cheap.


    If I can get a halfway decent car for 1000 that has a few issues with it I'll just go to the junk yard and get a part and put it on. See what I'm saying?


    Yes, If I were to get a car and give it to him the price would go up. But since I"m having almost a complete year to fix/repair the car in need then why not? I'm attempting to think ahead in life :).


    Damn... If this was Massachusetts, I'd say to go to Helping Hands. They have a whole lot of semi-junk cars. I wouldn't know where to go around here.

  13. I am still in highschool and I feel that you are being a little strict. I mean yes he doesnt need 300 horsepower or anything of that nature. But if your parents paid $500 when you were in hs, $500 now would buy shit. You should make it $2000.


    Car values are stupidly low. I have an '86 Corolla. If I were to sell it, I might get 500 for it at most. That won't even buy one wheel and tire for my new car. But it's a fully functioning car that'll run forever.


    Car that Runs > One Wheel/Tire


    Go fig.



    Back OT: I say get him something with a stick shift. He'll learn more about the car and how to drive it better. I think everyone's first car should be stick. THEN if you don't like it, go auto. But at least you'll have a better grasp of how a car works.


    I agree with zeitgeist57. Get him an old Subaru. The AWD is good for bad roads/weather. And Subarus tend to be a little on the underpowered side(with a couple noteable exceptions ;) .) I think an old Impreza or Legacy with a stick shift would be perfect.

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