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Everything posted by power-addict

  1. I got 2 messages saying I should bring my car up and race you. So how is your car scene? From what I read Columbus needs work. In some parts of Texas you can get in 40 runs in one night. By the way, I have seen Linns work. My friend showed me a few vidoes that I have permenently burned into my brain.
  2. Thank you! I just got a message saying that you are the guy I have to beat to get respect around here. Are you guys like a car gang? Do I have to race you to get accepted? You are the guy with the lopey yellow vette arent you?? Nice color choice by the way hahaha
  3. Hahaha, there's enough room here for everyone
  4. Thank you. If the merger goes through I may get a promotion and move out here permanently. So the cars up there were good guys? That makes sense now. I figured most of you on here are pretty young.
  5. power-addict

    ASR Cruise In

    If I'm still in town I would like to stop by. This looks like it should be fun. Directions?
  6. Hi my name is Ed. I heard about this site from a friend. I've actually seen a lot from him lurking around. I'm going to be in Ohio on business until the end of August. While I'm here I plan on having some fun. I went out to your Quicker Lube and saw that a lot of you have some pretty nice older cars. I own an 03 Z06 with a 427 forged block from Texas Speed. I also want to add that I'm not an actor, yet I have 3 stages! YEAH BABY hahahahahaha! I'll be the guy in the red hat so say hi. If I see anyone here worth my time I may have my car shipped up here. Sorry I dont have better pictures. I grabbed the wrong laptop before I left. http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/8459/z06qn4.png Hope to see you guys out.
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