it really veries on the people working also he don't work friday nights but i've been out there and seen cars that i swear when they left the line they lightened up 10 lbs from the rust falling off the frame and peices of the floor board ntr has totally gone down hill even worse since they moved the nationals to norwalk but it's close and the track itself isn't bad.
the friday night are alittle outta hand with the way they are run and the car count they get we take the bikes and get 7 or 8 passes while you car guys only get 2 maybe 3 totally unfair and needs something done about it, yeah the the track prep also horrible on friday nights after about three passes on the bike i told my wife to pack it up blowin the tire of 2 the 330 is alittle uncalled for when they can take about 3 mins and spray the track