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Everything posted by ODoyle

  1. ODoyle


    I thought i saw a thread about this already?
  2. Steven,why do you constantly talk shit to people who dont like civic's? You are right you had i nice looking one in HS. The red one that looks similar to the one in your sig, but if i remember right you were sponsored and you payed for none of those parts.So what if this kid doesnt want to mod his dx civic,he has a 5.0 that sounds better than pissed off bumble bees anyways.I will admit that i too drive a civic but i have no intention on modding it beyond the intake. Remeber steven this is the internet it isnt as serious as it comes off to be.So go rinse the sand out of your vagina and just tell the kid he has a nice car and maybe you two can be friends
  3. I'm not sure if that matters outside of franklin county, and if shes hot she can show a little bit of skin and get out of the ticket.If she is at QSL or sonic thats delaware county, and there isn't a law on curfew outside of delaware city limits :bangbang:
  4. ODoyle

    thanks IPS

    Is a rev limiter cheaper than the price and hassle of pushrods?
  5. You must make like 159k a year
  6. ODoyle

    Pool Question

    When we had a pool when i was a kid we took up all the sod where the pool was going to go,filled the area with sand so it was level and soft and never had a problem with it. When we took the pool down we just filled the hole with some fill dirt from a construction site and re planted the grass Thats what i would do, Just my .02 though
  7. -Rep..."you own a honda" : :bs:
  8. Umm cut its head off and grill up the meat. Snake is tastey
  9. I would rent the car that gets you the most ass. Thats just my opinion
  10. ODoyle


    Damn straight,I put it in the microwave and put a video up on you tube. Where did she learn that thing with her tounge? i keed i keed
  11. ODoyle


    Insert mobile chassis dyno tune's plug here
  12. I just got so excited..Trowa +rep for you
  13. Scotty2Hotty http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZHu0U2nVw-U
  14. I feel threatened reading this post..-Rep and reported
  15. I have 8pts. I think im going to go home for the night the wife and baby are in the storms at home.
  16. I just looked at whats happening at home and im glad im here..Im on sesame street of all places lol. I think the storms are coming from decatur and ft wayne
  17. i want to see video..this looks like an unsafe idea,But the wheels look damn good
  18. Ok fix your EXHAUST leak and put a plate in the front window..Problem solved
  19. So im in convoy,possibly the most podunk town i have ever been in. 1 stop light and 1 cop on certain nights of the week..And the storms are not making my job any easier. Back on topic i have rep'd everyone in this thread that i can
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