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Posts posted by ODoyle

  1. BS. Some may be abuse, but others have bent their frames without the abuse. The frame is weak at that point - how about they just go ahead and FIX THE WEAK FRAME? Hell, from the other post it looks like the aftermarket may have a fix to prevent the frame bending as well, which Ford should be looking directly at. Many of the trucks that bent were stock as well - why the hell is everyone buying the BS some Ford Executive is saying about "what actually happened" with the situation. He has more to gain from lying than anyone.


    You know, instead of telling customers of their overpriced (loaded up they MSRP for $56,000), over-hyped off-road truck to piss off, show some support for it and take care of the issue, make the truck better, and the people who actually buy these things will eat up that kind of support. In the end, they would likely sell more trucks.



    I <3 your fucked up point of view on everything you type.


    Dont bother quoting me back,I could care less what you have to say.

  2. Derek goes to get on a bus to go watch a movie and decides to get a drink at the water fountain.




    Derek goes to get on a bus to go watch a movie and decides to get a drink at the water fountain.




    Derek has to sit in the back of the bus, can't go to the movie theater because it is an all white one and is forced to drink from a shitty water fountain when there is a nice white one right next to it. He then whistles on his way back home while passing a white woman and is hanged.


    You did it backwards.

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