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Posts posted by ODoyle

  1. Anthony, are you just looking for a 20 gig? I have a 60 gig laying around that I want to put all my stuff on, but I don't have the transfer cable. If you could get the transfer cable or something I'll beat whatever price they want for one at Gamestop or whatever.








  2. ide just put a note in his mail box stating that there have been multiple complaints buy many people in OUR neighborhood that YOUR truck is over here an noe near you. it is a nuisance(sp?) an politely ask him to move his truck. if not... call the cops an say its been here for days an hasent moved.... an a cop will come by an put a warning ticket on it saying he has to move it with in 24 hours or itll be towed...


    That is a federal offence.


    Ask him to move it away from your house,if he refuses kill him and keep the truck.

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