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Posts posted by ODoyle

  1. id say your grammer isnt very good but this is CR not english class :). Nice car interesting choice but gl repairing and putting in some TLC. Quite a bit i may add.



    someone likes to pirate cd's..lol


    :gtfo: of noob threads.

  2. Get a hold of Gearhead on here.


    He's doing the brakes on my Dad's '94 Cobra next week, and my Dad is very picky about who does what on his car.



    That was a cute car. :p



    j/k it was clean as hell and sounded good too.



    Gearhead is Le man

  3. Dude, how in the world would you type a paper....


    Secondly, if the computer is finishing sentences for you, and you are someone who is horrible at english, the computer is going to make you seem smarter than you are b/c the computer is doing the work for you.


    Thirdly, holy random post lol. When was the last time you were on here?


    Paul NEEDS this.

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