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Everything posted by SPY VS. SPY

  1. That's some funny shit right there.....how much does this job pay? :funny:
  2. Yes JP thats why my car was not out...hopefully by weekend i'll have it figured out
  3. Which ever one it takes to not hit the limiter as soon as you mash the gas......does that clear things up for you....rookies
  4. This is Bill i was in the green lincoln that barked 2nd gear in your ear when i went around you lol i own grey procharged mustang that was not out that night...i could be wrong on all of this....just know what i saw and talked to Joe who was riding shotgun in FGT
  5. Dont want to get into a internet war over this but i was closest to the race and i saw no break lights from the CGT but i did see a big cloud of black smoke (prolly when he hit the rev limiter) which would make you think he hit the brakes....i think he was in the wrong gear to start with....either way the CGT was never in front of the FGT so isn't that a loss
  6. It's my understanding that the carerra lost to both the ford gt and the evo.... there will be video posted of the race from the ford gt so you decide
  7. A good time was had by all who attended....the ones who didn't need to learn to keep there pie hole shut
  8. You can buy it for $1400.00 :burn:
  9. Well i see that you are only 18 yrs old so you making adult decisions is definetly out of the question and that is already proven by this post right here cause i don't know you from adam so GFYS! :asshole:
  10. That won't happen here! :burn:
  11. I am a owner of a 89 mustang lx that i ordered new back in fall of 88....it now sports a 349 dart w/edelbrock victor jr. heads,procharger d1,tremec tko 600 & detroit locker w/373 gears. Over this winter i will be installing a Vince Janis built AODE with a Freddy Brown valve body!
  12. Hello everyone...im here to join the party!
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