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Everything posted by Strokedandjuiced

  1. thats in quebec....they wouldnt like being called canadians...btw I love that clean canadian air..
  2. does anyone have a link to the full episode from last night?
  3. i dont know how you can just pull shards of glass out of your ass like that, they must have slashed his colon even worse comming out...that would be the worst thing to ever happen ever
  4. http://www.break.com/index/worlds-largest-homemadeslide.html?mrr=we
  5. I'm amazed at the people i meet in columbus that swear that obama is muslim, a terrorist and a racist...He must be a duck haha
  6. looks tasty, if only i had the money...
  7. ive kayaked hoover a few times, i enjoy putting in right below the dam and 'yakin down to morse road, pretty good time.
  8. Wondering if anyone here is the owner of a 94/95 gt white convertible with white wheels and white top. I saw one last summer cruising around, if it belongs to someone here i would love to see a pic of it, thanks
  9. I'm going to buy a new gt here soon, and was looking for some pics to get some ideas going. I'm thinking a white on white vert would looks pretty nice, and i want the porno red interior. Anyone have anything similar?
  10. also where did you get that stock for it?
  11. they were selling these at vances out the ass for 89 bucks, they may still have some (i bought one a few months back)
  12. i would love to see the dog warden try to come and take my dog, and anyone else's dog for that matter.... i'm sure it would start a civil war
  13. i'll post more when i get some definite plans for it, i'm low on funds for now so i dont want to aim too high
  14. New to threads, had a 89gt lx w/ 347 and a 100dry shot up until about two months ago, now im working on a 93gt project, hopefully i'll get pics soon..
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