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Posts posted by fast91stang

  1. i think linn is the snitch. hes the only one that runs, get cought when noone else is around, ALWAYS calls people out, and his name is never in the paper. maybe he got busted before and this was a plea deal. "you go and get 20 guys to go out and race with you and we will make a better deal with you."


    funny how his nutswinger sam didn't go out and get busted and knows alot about whats going on.....sounds fishy boys ;)



    This actually sounds realistic.....

  2. Thats fine, Eat a dick. I have no care if you like me and I'm not sure why you feel that expressing it more then once in the same thread accomplishes anything.


    There is a ignore button you can use. I suggest you learn how to use it. Or are computers to hard for you? I'm assuming that's the case since your image has annoying white space in it.



    I don't even know you but just from reading your posts I think your a douchebag..... :D

  3. Snakes in the grass situation.



    Snakes in the grass... Are you kidding with some of loudest mouth people on here that openly go on about street racing..... :gtfo: They did it to themselves. You cant communicate on a board about street racing. Commen sense should tell you that. Sux for all the people that were not racing.

  4. If it's already beginning to smell it's too late..


    The very same morning we discovered our basement flooded we immediately moved all the furniture and etc and extracted as much water as possible from the carpets, ran 3 dehumidifiers and 6 different box fans to keep the air moving. The next morning there was already a stench, which means there are already mold spores forming underneath the carpet.


    We had a company called Sure Clean come out that day and basically verify that if there is any stench it's too late.. sure you could tear out the padding and re-use the carpet, but as long as that smell is there, it's always going to be there. Also, they said if you don't put down an Antimicrobial disinfectant whatever the spores will continue growing into mold regardless of new padding or not.


    In the end, we ended up paying our deductable and having all the work done through insurance.




    Ours was the same way we had to have puroclean come out and do it, they used disinfectants to make sure no mold spores grew. They cleaned every single thing that was in the basement by hand with a special cleaner. They also removed about 5 inches of the drywall clear around the basement. They brought in huge heppa filters and left them in for 3 days to get rid of any odor. Total cost was like $4000 and home owner's insurance would not pick up the bill.

  5. The car that passed you is this guy named John, he's always driving past people. As for the car behind you it was either Terry or Liz. They share that car(they're married). If the windows were down it was more than likely terry though.




    Not true Liz drives with the windows down also now...

  6. CR constantly proves a fact that I have known for a long time. Anyone who owns a mustang is a dick.


    OH NOES I called you a penis. What are you gonna do now!





    We are not all dicks...... This thread is starting to get interesting... :popcorn:

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