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Everything posted by projectxmatt

  1. Like the title says what program do you use on your PC to manage your music collection?
  2. Ok i have a pioneer DEH-P6800MP for sale used for maybe a month or 2 still in new condition have remote still too. Suggested retail is $260 price grabber new lists them for 230. Details of the headunit can be found here http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/pna/product/detail/0,,2076_4039_291078777,00.html Im asking $200 OBO
  3. bought it last night opened it played it. Once a game it opened though you can only exchange for same game so i did that got a brand new one unopened now but now i can't return it because i only have the refund receipt and not the orig
  4. bump i exchanged it for brand new unopened one so now its not even opened
  5. Bought this a few hours ago realized i don't have the time to play a game thats this involved lol. Game is sick though. graphics are amazing and so is the game play. Very well told story for as far as i have played. Definitely not what you would expect even starting out. Im asking at least $50 as i just paid over $60 for it
  6. i was here first so i win, but i think Josh beats us both by a long shot
  7. haha it ran like crap is what it did. I ended up blowing a coupler on every run...And my crank pulley was screwed up so my timing was way off i run a miserable 14.1 @ 100
  8. Yea i was kinda thinking the same thing...but thats what happens when you get a Chrysler transmission .... The evo 3's that used a similar transmission but made by mitsu didn't have the problems that plague the dsm's over here.
  9. umm i have never had any issues with mine at all other than routine maintenance, and stuff you would expect from a 16 year old car. Minor steering components, brakes and what not.
  10. yea i know all the owners of my cars all the way back to the show room floor.
  11. Thanks, the pics are a little misleading while yes it is clean it does have some cancer in spots, and i have a pretty good knowledge of dsm's this is my 3rd fwd lol what can i say i love 40 rolls.
  12. Were you at the Ohio Supras meet?
  13. i dunno i haven't had 1 problem from my dsm minus stuff thats to be expected in a 16 year old car, brakes, suspension and steering rack. The engine which is still engine 1 for the car at 200K+ miles has ~150 compression across all 4 and it has seen many different setups from myself and previous owners the previous owner to me ran a FPRed at 25psi and this sucker is still running strong ahh the beauty of a well maintained car.
  14. yea my girlfriend would probably too...but then again she doesn't like having her salad tossed either....whats wrong with people these days.
  15. Well mines not that bad...i know how to drive it :burn: Well who doesn't?
  16. wheel spin is fun....its actually not that bad lol. Will be more of an issue come spring.
  17. My names Matt im actually from dayton but i heard a few local people say you had a decent site so thought i would join and see what was up. No im not from SRD either I drive a 91 Eclipse GS-T. Currently its mainly back to stock. My previous mods before taking it back to stock were... Big 16g ported and clipped Maft walbro 255 FIC 650's Wg dump 3" turbo back chipped eprom and other small things It has been returned to stock for the winter while i accumulate bigger and better parts. And here are some pics of how it sat before taking back to stock. http://eclipse.projectxmatt.com/Car%20001.jpg http://eclipse.projectxmatt.com/Car%20010.jpg http://eclipse.projectxmatt.com/DSC_0044.jpg with old evo rims...came back to the car took the pic and when i looked realized the damn tire was flat http://eclipse.projectxmatt.com/IMG00112.jpg http://eclipse.projectxmatt.com/IMG00113.jpg
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