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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Nice. I have to get a 360 and get Fable 2. It looks so badass.
  2. Last night was a good night. No hangover either. I didn't go out to any bars on account of my ankle being in a cast. Did go out to eat and had a couple beers. Went back to a couple friends apartment and drank up.
  3. I fucking olove my 21st bietrthday. It's the beztvs. 7s berrs and 12 shots of tequillaras. I'm feeilin g aweisome. I fui cking lovei this. Laterss!!2!
  4. That's the best birthday cake I've ever got. I love it. Hell yeah. As soon as my foots better and I can start driving I'll be up for playing.
  5. I haven't done anything yet except spend $150 to renew my license and re-register my vehicles (some present that was). I'm headed out tonight with a couple friends for a good time.
  6. WOOHOO I'm finally there. Time to go out and have a beer or 10. No more drinking under the radar for me.
  7. Wow surprisingly that really does look like palin in the first pic.
  8. THat blows. What are you doing with the old one? If your just goin to trash it I'll take it for parts
  9. Hey Anthony text me when your getting on COD4. I've got nothing better to do so I'll play some.
  10. Okay not what your thinkin. lol Some kids on line refered to the CR in our clan name as Cock Rockets so that's what we were calling ourselves. After that we were playing free for all with 8 of us Knives only so our fingers were killing us. And as for the circle jerk reference, that pretty much explains itself.
  11. I'll shank ya motha fucka And yeah my finger is killing me too.
  12. Yeah that is the thing that really sucks. You got the fags that memorize the spawn points and arc grenades at them
  13. BennerVI is my name. I'll be on here in a few when I actually get woken up.
  14. My opinions are negative and there fore aren't appropriate anymore. So forget everything I said.
  15. I would've messed him up with that bat. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/262042/
  16. Sadly, I just found a camaro posted on another forum that rivals this piece for style. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chevrolet-Camaro-custom-convertible_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1205Q7c39Q3a1Q7c66Q3a4Q7c65Q3a12Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem130262442811QQitemZ130262442811#ht_500wt_0
  17. Bad piston ring is my bet.
  18. You better build something else cause that POS is hideous
  19. One of three rare GTR convertibles built. Oh man I'm gonna buy it right now. Then rob the guy, shoot him in the process. Insure the car for $50,000 (You know since it's so rare) then crash it into a tree and light it on fire and collect my insurance money. Hey it's a win win situation. I make money and this piece of shit never gets seen again.
  20. Son of a Bitch!!! I hate this game. I swear I do better when I'm on the other team than you guys.
  21. Yeah headquarters is where I usually do the best. If we all play tonight I say we play headquarters.
  22. What the fuck, fuck, fuck. What's with that?
  23. At least you were quick about killing me.
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