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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Had these for about 2 years and don't wear them anymore do to having my oakley juliets. Comes with nonpolarized black lenses, nonpolarized Fire Iridium Lenses and hard case. $75 takes everything http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Pics%20Taken%20From%20HTC%20Incredible/IMAG0010-1.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Pics%20Taken%20From%20HTC%20Incredible/IMAG0009-1.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Pics%20Taken%20From%20HTC%20Incredible/IMAG0008-2.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Pics%20Taken%20From%20HTC%20Incredible/IMAG0007-2.jpg http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Pics%20Taken%20From%20HTC%20Incredible/IMAG0006-2.jpg
  2. Rough week for me. Only lost 1.2 lbs and 1.2 inches. But have had several people ask me if I've lost weight so that's a definitely an ego booster and will make me keep at it even harder. I've also started hitting the eliptical for 30 minutes a day along with strength training. It's officially been a month since I've had any pop as well.
  3. Yeah but not as cool to watch and probably alot more paper work.
  4. And that's how you drop a bitch!!! Way to defuse the situation quickly before he had a chance to do anything stupid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXXzvpnkvm0
  5. Looks good Doc. I wanted to come out yesterday but had family up and couldn't get away.
  6. Wonder if they're allowed to base jump back to the surface. It'd be a hell of a lot quicker way down.
  7. AAAHHHH!!!!! the dreaded week after Christmas. I still did fairly good with what I ate. of course I still ate too much but I never got to that overly full feeling. Also kept just drinking water with meals so I'm still pop (soda) free now for near 4 weeks. Weight loss wasn't as good of course but I still lost around a pound and still managed to drop just over an inch off my chest stomach and waist. __________________
  8. Have u even tried??????? http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1298039&postcount=3715
  9. LOL that's what I was thinking when I even watched the video. http://redux.com/stream/item/1812366/Slipper-glued-to-floor-prank-HILARIOUS It's the glass of milk rolling away.
  10. Not tough to figure out at all. Most fast food resturaunts have automatic dispensing that stops them before they overfill.
  11. Anybody else notice he stuck his hand over the barrel a couple times when he was aiming it? Have fun with that one.
  12. LOL I got to watch a guy in an BMW m5 do this at Edgewater a couple years ago. Everybody had a good laugh at him including the announcers tower.
  13. I want this http://wimp.com/beerscup/
  14. Good luck. I'm not sure of any places that will still purchase from non businesses. Make sure you have your registration or proof of ownership with you for the vehicles if you find a place. Makes the process much easier.
  15. Gillie suit and 10x scope. You're gonna be Sniping deer at 400 yards with a shotgun.
  16. Crazy part is that it all looks delicious
  17. Can I call you the Christmas Jew?
  18. Rivals is reporting on it and stating they are allowed to play in the bowl game. Also said OSU will appeal the decision. For being as good of players as they are, they are fuckin retarded. Good job winning that Heisman next year Pryor. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/news;_ylt=AmdJs25C.WPhEDfBWfbbUUUcvrYF?slug=ap-t25-ohiost-tattooinvestigation
  19. Honestly been doing really good on the diet end of it. Haven't had pop in over three weeks now and haven't had fast food in even longer. Been drinking water like a fish. And I'm to that point where I want to go into the gym cause I feel so much better when I get out. I'm taking Sundays off and I really feel guilty about not going in. Even on my days where I eat normal I'm still making smart choices and not eating more than a serving of each portion. Oh and before last week I was in a 44x30 jeans, and now I'm able to fit into 42's comfortably and closing in on 40's very quickly. Shirts are also fitting much loser now.
  20. Ouch you hurted my feelings.
  21. Lately I've just put on Eminem channel on Pandora but I'm getting tired of the repeats. What do you guys listen to when your working out. And no country/ soft shit during working out. Just want stuff with a good pace and beat.
  22. I know it's pretty counter intuitive towards losing weight but just for the fun of it I decided to see what I could throw up on the leg press today. Ended up stopping at 625lbs with 12 full reps. Pretty sure I could have gone at least another 200lbs but I didn't want to over do myself. I actually threw them up pretty easy.
  23. Sounds kind of far fetched but maybe the expanding and shrinking of the metal do to the quick temp changes could help? Kevin Clifford please chime in on this if you can. http://www.break.com/index/how-to-fix-car-dent-with-compressed-air-1971795 Here's a really nice vid of it. I may have to try in on the rear driver side quarter panel on the GTP
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