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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Im down for after 9 as well.
  2. That he does. I'll definitely try to send business his way in the future.
  3. The GTP's tran took a shit a couple weeks ago and taking advice from Gearhead I took the trans to Rushman Automotive over in Hilliard. And I'm very glad I did listen to him. Guys there did phenominal work rebuilding the trans and even throwing several extra goodies in there to ensure it's ready for some dragstrip action. The price they charged me was so rediculously low that I even ofered to pay more for all the help they'd provided. Only problem I had was the side cover got cracked and they took care of that completely at their own expense and had it done the same day I dropped the car off. Oh and I also pulled and reinstalled myself so that's part of the reason it was cheaper but still a damn good price.
  4. Love how no one on here reads previous posts. The whole forum is a fake where people act like idiots. Basically a style of 4chan.
  5. http://www.lellikelly.it/catalogo/default.asp?lang=en
  6. Sorry I didn't make it. Had to help move my g-ma from her old house
  7. Guy has some definate talent. wouldn't mind having a cd if this is how all his work is.
  8. No hot linking NWS Asshole. Some people are at work.
  9. Is that the stock spoiler on his hood???
  10. Benner

    Macbook decal

    Definitely one of them. It was on AMC the other night and you couldn't even tell what was happening cause they had to cut so much of it.
  11. You calling me a fat ass?........Okay so maybe I am You should check out some of the seats that Jeg's offers. Some really nice looking ones for around $200
  12. Benner

    Macbook decal

    That's awesome. Too bad it doesn't incorporate the apple symbol
  13. You find my inhalor by chance? Oh and looks like a good trade. You'll have to let me thrash on it a bit.
  14. WTF is wrong with you? Even an complete asshole wouldn't share these horrible findings. You sir take it to a new level.
  15. Nasa confirmed it would have taken them millions to get the same photos this guy got for $750. Proves Nasa is a bunch of idiots. That or this guy is a genius http://gnews.com/science/Million-Dollar-NASA-Photos-Beaten-by-Budget-Balloon-632572225751.html
  16. Benner

    Macbook decal

    I want this one but my parents would destroy it if they ever saw it. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=41969376 Thinking of buying this one. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=43391416 But this is the one I'm ordering. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=43108600&ref=sr_gallery_23&&ga_search_query=iron+man&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title
  17. I'm becoming a fan of ford very quickly with their new line up
  18. Pretty neet that they're able to get an inside veiw like this. http://www.wimp.com/engineworks/
  19. For your veiwing pleasure I present "Fatty In a Frozen River" http://www.break.com/usercontent/2010/1/fatty-jumps-in-frozen-river-1634766
  20. I'm going to the pantry to grab some now
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