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Everything posted by SinisterSS

  1. have you tried Buy Backs?? they buy and sell used cd's, dvd's, video games, and video game systems cheap...there's a store near eastland mall, one near Easton, and one in grove city between kroger and lowes, maybe more but these are the one's I know of
  2. nice pic's I wish my camera had that kind of quality :pics:
  3. anyone have a T-56 counter shaft they want to get rid off? in need of one asap, My car currently doesn't have 2nd gear, I bought a core unit that I was told didn't have 3rd gear, I took it apart and found teeth missing off the counter shaft for 3rd gear, I know what your thinking "why not take my other tranny apart and swap the needed parts" I would but the SS is my only car and I can't be without it for work purposes. when I first bought the SS 2nd gear had a grind, after some moding the issue got worse, so after awhile I rebuilt the tranny replacing all the gears, syncro's, syncro rings, bearings, shift forks and shift pads I get it all back together and it still grinds, so I lived with it until now(no 2nd gear) I'm gonna rebuild the core unit with steal forks, pads, syncro's if needed then swap the tranny's out. I called GM for the part but its over $1500.00 thats a bit steep for me right now, so if anyone has one or knows someone that wants to get rid of one please help....thanks
  4. what mods are done to your car?
  5. are these full Pitt or mixed?
  6. I called a few friends and they haven't heard of it.........
  7. I live off of 256 I've never heard of it, but I'll check
  8. WOW!!! its looking good for the Pats.....something I've never seen in the NFL, I know the Dolphins did it but I wasn't around to see it
  9. this is old but funny......Charlie Brown :nutkick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxXPo-qVWJc
  10. funny....but fucked up!! :nutkick:
  11. been surfing all day with no problems.......I have rr
  12. SinisterSS


    Vince Dugan is a really good divorce lawyer helped me when I went through my divorce and a lot of my co-workers, he also got me out of a ROMV in 06
  13. why buy the cow when the milk is free?? I always say if you don't like half your stuff give it to me.....
  14. nope! I have diabetes and they turned me down twice
  15. WTF!!! that was beyond sick :barf:
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