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Everything posted by Zach1647545520

  1. get some coco butter for those ashy tires lol.
  2. I'm in for sure... be ready to get off the table quick.
  3. i can't tell if your being sarcastic or not... hmmmmm.
  4. Zach1647545520


    I saw your car in the easton garage last thursday... looks good mang. welcome.
  5. LMFAO... Man that must suck to get burned by Phil.
  6. oh i never noticed that you had redrum on your sig. well i did but i thought you actually meant red rum like the drink. cause i know your the fish and all. i mean it as in you read it backwards. so two different things fish man.
  7. they are nothing alike... i have a picture of my car in my sig. you don't.
  8. This car is just bad ass... plain and simple.
  9. i'll try to go out tomorrow since rain today....
  10. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d48/Darkendturbo/PIS.jpg
  11. Damn! I So Wanted To Go!!! Damn Rain!!!!!!!
  12. Autotrader sells some nice cars too...
  13. LMK I might go too phillip
  14. I wonder if and how many we will see around here... I'm sure Bob McDormin will have one in the garage.
  15. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d48/Darkendturbo/PIS.jpg Craig's working uniform...
  16. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d48/Darkendturbo/PIS.jpg Random picture???
  17. I'll be out there for all the free food... oh yeah I started that thread about your fuel pump Phill.
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