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Everything posted by Zach1647545520

  1. black wheels are over rated lol. Looks good mang!
  2. Yeah I know but something to do lol. Oh and the weather is looking good so far.
  3. yeah what you said... :asshole:
  4. This is located on Brice Road between livingston and I-70. I've been going to this event every year and I have had a blast each time. Each year has been getting a little less exciting because of the cops cracking down and shutting the streets down early. Never the less it will still be a good time! So if you have nothing to do this weekend you know where to go.
  5. I always see your car when I take main st. home from work haha. i never knew it was your car till i saw it with the sweet black wheels tuesday afternoon. I usually take the civic to work but sometimes drive the SS.
  6. and i'll leave the t tops off for you :asshole: lol
  7. Nope same ol car haha. LoL I just wanted to see what the outcome will be since you been doin some stuff under the hood Oh yeah... good luck with your trans!!!
  8. damn these gas prices to hell!!!
  9. Anyone who has black wheels must be cool... I think they look better black than gray. IMO
  10. Yes I plan on seeing the new Hulk movie as well. I'm also going to see the new Batman movie and the new Will Smith movie "John Hancock" where he's like a bum super hero!
  11. don't question mark my post fool! Wasn't for you. I quoted tofu man when i posted that. :gtfo:
  12. your absolutely right... but nobody has spoiled the movie. so your good.
  13. Just got done seeing Iron Man and OMG! What an awesome movie! I loved it and I just might see it again! It had amazing fight scences and surprisingly it was pretty funny too. If you go see it make sure you stay till the very end of the credits for the extra scene. Chyeah... go see it
  14. I still can not believe Phills Lt1 broke into the 12's! I was crossing my fingers it would hit high 13's! lol.
  15. LoL awww now you made me blush! But I want to see how your car runs now though! Let me know and we'll go try it out sometime Hey Brandon... Do you want some of dees?
  16. Looks there were a lot of good runs! wish i was there but sadly i was at work
  17. Looks good mang! I like it.
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