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Everything posted by Evolved8

  1. Sam My buddy has one and loves it. I Actually started liking it more and more. Cool bike for sure. Thanks, Eric
  2. We just talked about stupid/wrong decisions that he may or may not make last night, now your in here pulling a 180. Makes no sence. Anyways BUMP This is a nice car for Sure!! I would know
  3. Because not enough people have took a stand against it and tried to do something about it.
  4. I think you know the answer to this question, Although I'am all for eric getting it...... Its just a Fart in the wind Rofl
  5. Pretty sure whoever buys that car is not trying to "make it a track beast" With the money they have if they wanted a fast car I'am sure they would take another route. On a side note thats pretty good times for a few basic boltons and a tune.
  6. Buzz I have alwas loved your C5......... Hands down my favorite. Good news
  7. Lock it in Ill be in my benz, Lets do a digg
  8. Will be there. Who wants walked down 71 N kekeekekke?
  9. Best cash price ? also who makes it?
  10. I'll take it as long as its not dinged up, PM me
  11. Considering its $600 new I dunno lol. I know it was to much for the back counter.
  12. Which means one is in your near future i hope.... Maybe GTI trade for a bike??
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