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Everything posted by Evolved8

  1. does polaris need any help? ive got 2 years in at a vocational school and 2 + in the field.
  2. its on a lot of sites that dont involve mazdas, but i looked into it, starts at noon, and there was something about being able to dyno run, or a place for everyone to go.
  3. if you want to get seroious about it, your shit talking is weak and goes no further than words, im willing to throw those words down your throat do you accept? -Wait i already know the answer.
  4. sorry forgot to add in the Joking part.
  5. i use to work at bestbuy and we avoided compaq like the plague! seriously thoug i wouldnt do it.
  6. yes ill look into it some more tommrow but i know its all over, and i belive is somewhat sponsered or something along those lines
  7. Well ive seen on numerous other forums theres a big meet a QS&L (polaris) march 10th, ill have to look into the time again, but it looks like its going to be a big turnout, and good racing hopefully. anyone wanna go??
  8. its still a loss in my book. but you were beat more than once i will race you again no problem. im not worried i have nothing to loose. ive already won 3 times.
  9. i put some bricks under light snow in front of my drive way when im home so if they come he gets a nice suprise
  10. wrong car sry, i thought u were the guy with the supercharged one, thats blus my bad welcome!
  11. hes on my kill list alredy evo v.s civic 71s 20 roll 2 times to 120+ civc>evo he misshifted 2 times was what i was told though. Hes is alot faster now though, well see what happens in the upcomming season!
  12. couldnt have said it better, nice pickup!
  13. linn i called him out last season to a digg or roll he agreed and the night of the meet he declined because of a "ticket" he recived. my offer is still open to race for $50.00 any roll.
  14. welcome back with the new name pat!
  15. wow what are people really thinking?!?
  16. pm tituss2k he works at the polaris location!!!
  17. thats crazy, theres a guy that parks his prelude on the side of his driveway in my neiborhood everyday and the plow fucled his shit up last year.
  18. Heres some work i did for jp http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/projectturboex/coltboostin.jpg and Clay.. http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/projectturboex/Clay.jpg
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