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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Nissan sentra ser spec v. You know you want it. edit: but seriously get the vette
  2. Haha, this should be interesting. I will admit that I was pretty impressed with how well your car was gripping on snow. Especially when you finally decided to play and took off towards the far end of the lot, you were scootin' pretty good.
  3. Well Im happy to here that there are some people that feel like me. The whole spending time with friends, family, and eating are great. And the present thing is out of control. I try to explain to the woman and family that Id rather them save their money for their own stuff but nobody ever listens. Im only really looking forward to ham, I loooove me some dead piggy.
  4. So here we go, I was out christmas shopping today and I was wondering to myself if people actually enjoy christmas or if they just do it out of habit. So do you enjoy the holiday or could you do without it? I think its a good holiday for children and thats about it really. I think that once you're an adult you should just cut it out of your calendar. (unless you have children of course) Plus people get all fucking crazy with the holiday, especially shopping which easily turns into a dangerous situation. I dunno, maybe if the whole peace, love, and unity theme would return to christmas then maybe I could fully enjoy it again.
  5. Wonderboy


    Hahaha. Now Ive lost interest, its not as exciting if you're given permission to do it. Plus its about time to go out into the world. Xmas shopping FTL.
  6. Wonderboy


    I need something to do this early in the morning.
  7. Wonderboy


    Wow, someone is actually dummer than you.
  8. Wonderboy


    I lift and separate.
  9. Wonderboy


    Why do you want to join Columbus Racing?: I want to learn and understand everything there is to know about this organization and prove myself that I am worthy. I need a second chance. You arent worthy. And this is well beyond the second chance. I believe this is 5th? *Fuck You*
  10. Wonderboy


    Hey Jim, did you see what he did there?
  11. Wonderboy


    Hey Jim, did you see what I did right there? ^^^
  12. Wonderboy


    Fuck You *TRIPLE FUCK YOU!!!*
  13. Wonderboy


    Well then Guess you dont really care that much then do you? Fuck You x2
  14. Lucky for them I just happened to be walking by, so I just tossed it up in there.
  15. Wonderboy


    Hey Jim, did you see what he did there? ^^^
  16. Wonderboy


    They are moron. Maybe you should buy 3. Fuck You.
  17. Wonderboy


    And I would end it, imediately. Fuck You
  18. Wonderboy


    If financing your car project is the biggest problemin your life then, damn you sure have it pretty easy. Why dont you wait to complain until you have some real problems. Fuck You
  19. Tostino party pizza's FTW. And that whole corn beef, cream cheese, and pickle deal is old news. And yes it is delicious.
  20. Wow, thats alot of old rusty shit.
  21. Agreed (not that it matters)
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