I bet you are pretty tired after having to work so hard for her to even slightly feel your little pecker. If I had to work with a tool like that I would be exausted too.
I have not personally had one but I have friends that have them and my aunt has had one for as long as I can remember and I can tell you that they are ALL great dogs. They have a very sweet personality and will not fuck around when it comes to protecting the home. The only health things that I have heard of are hip problems but, that seems to be like most dogs.
I guess I kinda forgot about the whole bank thing. Oops. And I only like them because during a memorial day sale we got a $2000 tv for $1000. it made me happy in my pants.
I was wondering about that same thing the other day. Its kinda shitty.
When I first read the title I was waiting to hear that someone else found another finger in their chili.
The last gunshow that I went to was crazy, it almost seemed like every other preson walking out of there had an ak and most of the tables were like damn near empty.
Contact these people. http://www.outerlimitsfirearms.com/page/page/2716072.htm. They are super nice and have very good deals. I got my ak from them for $289. The finish wasnt perfect but it wasnt too bad. And they offer lifetime warranty on every part of the gun.
I just recently bought a Mossberg 500 and I love it. I have never really liked shotguns and especially not pump shotguns but I absolutely love them now. Only problem is that it came with two way too long barrels. (I use the glock for home defense so its not too big of an issue.) Mine was $279 at buckeye outdoors and it came with a shot barrel w/ 3 chokes and a rifled slug barrel. My buddy bought a Home defense model for $200 at a recent gunshow, it holds like 7-8 shells and has an 18.5" barrel.