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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Hahahaha! lol. So what are you thinking? I was just informed that the woman will be making dinner at some point this evening, so depending on when that happens I may not be out this evening afterall.
  2. Ok, sounds good. Ill bring the natty ice if you got the gamecube. lol *I forgot some other lancaster accomplishments, my carpentry class built a habitat for humanity house out there and I also got my license suspended for two months at the lovely county courthouse when I was 17.
  3. Yes, yes I am. And I thought it was funny. Just as a side note, I went to school at Fairfield Career Center and spent many evenings after school at Mt. Pleasant. I also shop at River Valley and Ohio Valley regularly. So yeah, Im kinda familiar with lancaster, and you cant tell me that Im not right in my sterotyping. Hehehe!
  4. That means that I have spent enough time out there to realize that they are mostly of a "hillbilly" variety. And I didnt say that they all were but, c'mon he said that its a truck pull, which has "i fuck my sister" written all over it. lol. Im assuming that you are from lancaster since you got all defensive for no reason.
  5. Any eastside guys wanna meet before this and cruise up there together. Im not super familiar with that area so it would kinda help me out a little.
  6. YES! Im in two of the runs on that video. WooHoo! I was also the slowest car in that video.
  7. Yeah, Im gonna pass on that one. I cant deal with hicks when Im sober so I definatley wont be able to handle them under the influence. lol. I was also hoping for something a little more local. Are you gonna be around this weekend?
  8. Anything going on tonight? Food, drinking, or whatever?
  9. Ive been using wolf rounds which say non-corrosive but, I have no idea really. Thanks for the info.
  10. Yeah, yeah, I know. But Ive put about 1200 rounds through it so I figured it was time. I have heard of people going 10,000 rounds with no issues but Im bored. Side note: I love your avatar! Glock FTW!
  11. Im cleaning my ak-47 for the first time and I was wondering if I should use the same solvent to clean the gas tube as what I would use to clean the barrel? The only reason I am asking is because Im unsure if I should put it in there and then have it blowing back through the gun the next time that I fire it. The solvent bottle says to avoid contact with the "action". Any feedback would be appreciated.
  12. Oh man, I knew something wasnt right in that pic.
  13. Yeah, after reading more of this thread, I dont think that I will ever be going there. I've got a good lady at home and I cant be running around with a bunch of horny young men that could get me in trouble. If you guys ever wnat to just go to a nice quite bar and relax then let me know.
  14. Haha, those kids are totally gonna get made fun of by all their friends. This just added to the very few cars on the road that I can beat in a race. lol
  15. That is very true, thats why I got off work at 5 and was drunk at 5:45. lol. Now Im good and sober and ready for bed. Its cool, Ill be a big kid one day.
  16. If we all help this fucker out, he better post pics/vids. lol
  17. Thats a sweet video. It kinda reminds me of this one...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV9mZy0zork (Lots of talking but, a GREAT video)
  18. I should have known better than to take a sentra to this event. There was only one pic with my car in it and it was in the background of a bunch of bikes. Oh well, I should have seen that coming. lol
  19. What tiem are you ladies heading out there? I was already at the bar after work so, if this goes down before I pass out I might try to stumble over there.
  20. You werent supposed to talk about that. What the fuck!
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