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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Blah Blah Blah. The only point that I was trying to make originally is that NTB aint going no where and other services centers are going out.
  2. Sumitomo owns it. So its all kinda the same. Sumtiomo just bought it like a year ago. They hadmoney before they were bought. And what I said was that NTB was a PART of the largest automotive service company. I didnt say that they were the largest by themselves. You should read before you try to prove someone wrong.
  3. It is the largest corporation. They are the same as Big O Tires, Carol Tire, Tire Merchants, Tire Kingdom, and some other one I cant remember. Its like a Billion dollar establishment. Now, dont get me wrong. They do alot of crappy stuff sometimes. I love working at my shop but I am not so fond of the corporate side of it. They keep tryin to find ways to pay us less so they can keep more but, I still make great money so I cant complain or go anywhere else. They are technically a Tire Kingdom company and tire kingdom is now owned by sumitomo.
  4. Haha, thats a classy outfit. I like the heart covered underpants.
  5. Well I guess my 14's dont look as bad next to 16's and 20's. lol
  6. Cool, so it was cute at first but, I am below no man. Period. Is there any particular reason that your being a dick or is it just your "thing" because Im pretty sure that I have done nothing wrong here. Correct me if Im wrong. And Im a little flattered that you want me below you but I dont get down with butsex.
  7. Well thats a bummer because I think you're fantastic.
  8. Is this meet only for fast cars or is anyone allowed?
  9. Yeah its a far drive. The car has a little trouble getting off the line sometimes. It doesnt make alot of power but it does make a decent bit down in lower rpms. The LSD helps. When I ran at trails it seemed like the car just kinda sat at the line for a while spinning and at kilkare it still had alot of wheelspin but it was atleast going forwards while it did it. I had like 2.5-2.6 60ft times at trails and 2.1 at kilkare. Although it could just be me, I dont know if there could really be that big of a difference between the two tracks to where I would have picked up a half a second on my 60ft. I dunno.
  10. Holy fuck, that is a rediculous amount of power. Thats a sick ass car.... and matching hummer, nice.
  11. 15.6 stock? With intake and exhaust = 14.8. Still slow but a hell of an improvement and if I could get it off the line a little better I could prolly do 14.6. Thats like a whole second faster than stock.
  12. I would have bought a domestic but... I like cars that are reliable I would have bought a v8 car but... I apparently like to go slow
  13. That sucks for the soon to be unemployed but, thats great for me. NTB is a branch of the BIGGEST automotive service corporation in the world and we will out last everybody. And times have been tough at my shop for a while and are just now starting to pick up again. This is just gonna push more business our way for sure.
  14. Why do you say that? You guys didnt have a good time or just nobody wants to drive all the way out there again?
  15. Jeeze... no need to get all angry about it. I was just playin around. I just wanted to make sure you show up and roast them tires.
  16. Whats a civil service exam?
  17. Paul is the silver srt4 right? The one that was doing ricer laps around the parking lot? lol. I definately think that is a good spot especially cuz its like 5 min from my house. Its alot nicer than 20 min to get to polaris. Where is the spot that people meet on the westside? I have heard about it but I have no idea where its at. Also, back to original topic. Is anyone interested in going to kilkare thursday? I know that its a far drive but, it is much nicer than trails. It seems to hook up really well and there was not many people there the last time i went. I got to run 9 times in 3 hours when I was there. At trails your lucky to run 4 times in 3 hours cuz its so damn busy. I remember the primered civic guy talkin about some integra-hatch thing thats supposed to be pretty "fast". Do you know anything about it? Is it actually anything decent? Or just typical V-Talk?
  18. Fuck all this doomsday shit. We will be over run by zombies before that shit happens. Thats why i've stock piled some crown royal and ammunition!!! WooHoo zombie killin!
  19. I dont know man. Can that thing do a burn out? Ill have to see it to believe it! lol Juuuust Playin.
  20. Yeah, me and my girl were 2 of the "ricers" (minus the 3 foot spoilers and stupidity). So is that going to be THE SPOT to go now or what? Is polaris dead? We were the white spec v (me) and the yellow mazdaspeed (her).
  21. I think i met you last night. Werent you driving the red integra and hanging out with ryan?
  22. Yeah, i remember you. You helped me with some nitrous questions on my old POS mazda didnt you?
  23. Ill do what I can. Im gonna have to get the OK from the boss man. Also, anybody that does burnouts will get a $50 off coupon for tires and a free car wash.
  24. I came out to that sonic this past friday and saturday. And there wasnt alot of racing going on. Plus, the track has an audience and a time slip. But Ill be out again this weekend and Ill run anybody, I probably wont win but i sure will try.
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