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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. Carbon tech are solid pads. Their 30 mins from me, great people. Rotors you have endless options, and your budget will play a big part.
  2. What type of vehicle? What's it being used for?
  3. I've been paying 2.15 for 93 for the past month here in the Charlotte area, can't complain.
  4. Yeah I had a friend call, who just left a high level job. He said the pay was laughable.
  5. What does some random man child who has cops shut down streets so he can drive around have anything to do with the Cleveland area not being a shit hole? What's the point of living in a decent suburb if the whole surrounding areas are crumbling? The whole city of Cleveland is crumbling, hell the lake was useless the majority of the summer from insane algae growth. More real stats. Charlotte has the second highest growth rate, while Cuyahoga county ranks second nationally for population loss. It's all in my head though, right? http://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/news/2015/03/05/more-proof-that-charlotte-is-a-boomtown.html http://www.cleveland.com/datacentral/index.ssf/2015/03/cuyahoga_county_second_nationa.html
  6. Glad I decided against going to Turkey last month for the holidays....
  7. Saw this on BAT this AM, I don't know anything about these cars but figured this might seem more appealing. http://bringatrailer.com/2015/11/24/rare-6-speed-10k-mile-supercharged-1994-chevrolet-camaro-z28/
  8. My old place had this issue. Same deal, newer home build. I ended up just heating the garage (4 baseboard heaters) and it solved the issue. The whole garage was already insulated aside from the door.
  9. Although Cleveland has some solid food offerings.
  10. Dude you completely pull shit out of your ass. Saying I'm salty and she broke up with me and I'm alone? That's humorous. I broke up with her, allowed her to live with me till she could afford to move out. She was forced to get roommates, and still has them three years later. I stopped liking her and saw her as a friend, were much better friends than being a couple. Oh yeah my current girl has lived with me for two years. Furthest thing from salty,and alone, constantly busy and couldn't be happier. I just dislike Cleveland, that doesn't make me a unhappy person. I'm currently sitting in Cleveland, I just hate this place. Everything is just so dismal. Nasty roads, rusty cars everywhere, falling apart buildings, 60 mph speed limits with cops everywhere, bad weather. There's a reason it's cheap living. Just not my speed. I wouldn't change my life for anything, extremely happier where I'm at.
  11. I'm not salty? Just because I dislike Cleveland, doesn't mean I'm salty? I fully agree, if someone isn't happy overall a change of scenery isn't going to change that. I was never not happy, just grew up in Cleveland obviously because of my parents, so I made the best of it. I had great times, but staying in Cleveland my whole life wasn't something I wanted... I didn't want to be one of those people who never left the general area of where they grew up, I love new experiences. I left Cleveland in a happy state of mind, and moving only made things better. I absolutely love where I'm at, otherwise I would have moved back 5 years ago if that wasn't the case. I'm not alone in my thoughts about Cleveland. http://www.forbes.com/2010/02/11/americas-most-miserable-cities-business-beltway-miserable-cities.html There's no denying the city is literally crumbling, tons of abandoned property's, the roads of a third world country (Even suburbs have shit roads), crazy crime, And the lake is useless unless you want a staph infection.
  12. I grew up in the Cleveland area, have many reasons to dislike the place. You cannot tell me coming from 77 into Cleveland isn't depressing? it literally looks like something out of The Walking Dead. Everything is run down, busted ass rusty cars everywhere, and roads not suitable for a Ford Raptor. Posting those click bait, "favorite cities" stories, mean nothing. Everyone of those articles are different. Things that do matter though, are stats, not some fluff article. Where is lovely Cleveland rated for crime? Oh yeah it's constantly ranked top 10 most dangerous city in America, and America is a pretty big place.... http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/the-10-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/ss-AAfDo9R#image=3 Where does my town rank? Oh yeah number one in all of NC. http://www.wcnc.com/story/news/local/2015/06/10/davidson-ranked-safest-city-in-nc/71028082/ and Charlotte, doesn't even break the top 100. Yeah I moved almost 5 years ago with my girlfriend of 6 years at the time, waited for her to graduate college and we moved. After two years of being here, I broke up with her. Nothing crazy happened, I even let her live with me until she found the right home. Let her take every single thing in my house, because she's a broke teacher. Still friendly and chat with her. Would you like to know the color of my eyes, how many languages I can speak? Or a photo of the mess my lactose intolerant ass is currently leaving while writing this? :gabe:
  13. I get what your trying to say, and you stating you wouldn't choose to go back to Nebraska only makes my point more valid. Sure it's easy to make the most out of a situation if you have good mental health but why would someone decide to live in a place they dislike?
  14. Obviously happiness is mental, that goes without saying, but I think you missed my point. I'm not saying I hated the world, and was on the verge of suicide living in Cleveland. The area was the one thing I disliked, so I moved. I still had plenty of fun, just disliked the surroundings. Pretty simple. You stating you disliked Nebraska but made the most out of it, but would never live there again, is the exact same thing I described... Staying in one place that you dislike, even with a positive mindset is completely pointless, and the exact reason you won't live in Nebraska. You would never truly be happy, you would be settling. Thanks for the service.
  15. Some areas have really transformed, and grown. Overall it's still a seedy ass place, even the nicer areas are really nothing special... Depressing is right.
  16. Cleveland has a weird vibe though over most places. People are extremely proud to be from Cleveland, look at how many places survive from selling Cleveland related clothing..... It's rather strange though, because those same people do bitch about Cleveland, but never do anything about it. Always reminded me of a abusive relationship, constantly making excuses of why they don't leave.
  17. Not too bad, hopefully you scored a good deal. People get creative with what parts they can make work. I just saw CTSV calipers on a DSM, I would assume those are similar to the EVO Brembos though. Look forward to seeing you complete the car, oddballs are always refreshing to see.
  18. You could always rob a decent setup from another car if you had to for less anyways. Are the E30 M3 prices still crazy? My old neighbor had two and wanted crazy money for them a few years back. Such a great shape those cars have. That will be useful.
  19. Eh that depends on a million factors. I hated living in Cleveland. Couldn't stand the weather, 90% of the general landscape looks run down, even nice areas are littered with shitty roads, and crime. Rather depressing and negative place to be. When living in Cleveland, I would hate coming back after a trip somewhere and wish I was back at whichever place I left. Now I travel a few times a month for pleasure, which I always enjoy, but look forward to getting back home as well.
  20. Everyone always says the same thing to me, how having children was the best thing to happen to them, they never wanted them, etc. But these same people are constantly complaining about something, and generally just unhappy. Which ultimately wouldn't be an issue if children were out of the picture. I travel almost every weekend for pleasure, and absolutely love new experiences. Personally I see no benefit in having children, only downsides. Sure, that's rather self centered but I'm not signing up to make myself miserable. Obviously there's plenty of people who genuinely enjoy having children, which is great. Whatever makes you happy, it's just not for me...... Maybe in a few years I will find god and want a family :lolguy:
  21. Engineer day gig Own a engineering firm out of state Own other low hanging fruit and always looking for others. Far from the wealthiest on here. I fully understand the life of having to liquidate too ha. Currently heavy six figures deep in a deal that won't pan out for a year or so.... I look at everything as risk vs reward, children to me offer no positives.... Not worth all the nightmares I watch others go through. Everyone is different though, that's what makes things interesting I suppose.
  22. But staying in one place your whole life, and being complacent with the daily grind of 9-5 work, come home to kids, sleep, rinse and repeat for 25+ years doesn't work for some people either. Personally that would be the most depressing shit ever. Life is extremely short, and you only get one crack on this blue marble. I envy people who constantly can move around and make that situation work. By 35 I will exit from working, sell off businesses and enjoy St Barths as home base while traveling a quarter of my time. I have zero interest in children though, so it's easy to be flexible.
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