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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. What do you want to use the car for? By your previous choices it seems you want a balanced car, as others have stated... Snag a Elise for 25k, and sell it for 25+ when you're finished. You can drive them into the ground and get your cash back out.
  2. I love people who comment about that stuff, and act like they have never gone above the posted speed limit. If he was blasting down a busy highway at triple digit speeds, ok.... Not that.
  3. It's the guys job, he babbles about cars and gets paid to do so. Quit bitching. I've spent the day around the guy before, incredibly nice, nothing bad to say.
  4. You should have a decent understanding of the market, before tossing in some cash. Just my advise...
  5. The poor Evora just needs to die off....
  6. On a more serious note, WTF is this? What a disaster. http://news.yahoo.com/reporters-inexplicably-stampede-san-bernardino-shooter-s-home-182218908.html#
  7. My first thought when I see photos of dipshits walking around with Rifles on their back. Take a stab at who will be the first with a bullet to the back of their dome? :lolguy:
  8. Being rational when in those situations, doesn't always happen. Especially when adrenaline is pumping. But let me get this straight, you want to carry while in public, but when you see someone pulls out a gun, then points it at your face 30 seconds later, pulling out your gun shouldn't be an option? Why even carry then? My whole point. I don't know many CCW holders, but the few I do know always have that billy badass attitude, and always talk about "when something goes down" I don't have any issues with someone carrying, it's your right to do so, Just doesn't make any sense to me, if I ever felt the need to walk out of my house with a gun, it would be time to move for me.
  9. When you're in that situation report back. Every gun toting cowboy thinks they will be able to magically stop any situation. IF I had a gun, and pulled it out once he drew on me things would have ended poorly. I could have been shot dead, or him, or both of us. Instead some talking got the guy to cool his shit, rare case, yes. But I would rather be walking around today, without ever having to shoot someone. Also I have no issues with guns, just don't see the need to carry one with me. I've owned guns in the past.
  10. Well I didn't have a gun on me, and ended up not being shot. Who knows, If I were to have a gun with me, it could have turned into a shootout.
  11. I get it, but the odds are extremely rare. I would feel like I was giving up some freedom to walk around with a gun, although others feel the opposite. Different strokes I suppose.
  12. I don't know, just doesn't make sense to me. Couldn't imagine having that mindset about my environment, granted I'm aware things can happen. I've had a gun pulled on me before, and had myself been carrying I might not even be here right now?
  13. You have better odds of being crushed by a vehicle while crossing the street, so should you wear a helmet while crossing the street? I couldn't imagine having to carry a gun with me, whenever I left the house.
  14. You don't feel safe in public, without carrying a firearm?
  15. Full blown shootout and this guy is trying to get a shitty cell phone video. People are brilliant!
  16. http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1212/4798801/20553832/411951322.jpg
  17. That would be up to you. I stay away from long term plays 99% of the time.
  18. https://www.google.com/finance?q=uso&ei=sDdfVvmhO5SbmAHfqJroAg
  19. With a light car Brembo blanks would probably last a good amount of time, but pushing a fair amount of weight around I would just opt for something a few bucks more....
  20. That's always the case no matter how terrible they are. Was shocked to see them on Monday night football.
  21. Yeah I would say the pads matter more, but everyone will give you a different opinion. I had AP rotors and hated them, replaced with giro disc and it was night and day.
  22. Shockingly they have the pads for those calipers, looked on their site. Giro disc doesn't list rotors though.. The full brembo caliper setups go for under $500, might be the better option
  23. Girodisc rotors, you don't be disappointed. As for pads, give carbon tech a ring and they will set you up with a solid setup.
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