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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. Jewtoys


    The funds involved to start a brewery have a high level of entry, not to mention all the different state laws that make competing with the bigger guys incredibly tough.
  2. My car is at the dealer for warranty work, literally 10 issues are being dealt with and all unrelated. A complete pile of crap this car has been. A few months back I took it in because the throw out bearing was making a ton of noise with under 5k miles, the service advisor tried telling me it was normal engine noise before she would even have a tech look at it! I made her bring a tech over and instantly the guy was like throw out bearing, noise even went away when clutch was depressed. So they have the car for a few days, only to say come and get it the parts are on back order. A few weeks go by, and they call and scheduled a appointment a few days later, I called off work as the dealer is an hour away, only to be told we can't get it in today.... This happened twice... Over the next few months I've tried calling and never get a call back, and the car has had more and more issues pop up, so I figured it will eventually just break and they have to come and get it. Finally fed up I bring it in as its throwing low boost codes, they tell me because the throw out bearing isn't ticking right now they can't replace it! Wtf. What would you do?
  3. The new TA is a great car, you can score a pretty decent deal on a new one, money well spent.
  4. Cool stuff, going to keep an eye out on this thread. Debating if I want to install a greenhouse, get jelly every morning when I see my neighbors.
  5. Yeah it was a complete joke, I've seen many cars pass without cats and running like death
  6. If you're focusing on a show, what's annoying about subtitles?
  7. Don't those have actual issues though? Cam lobes and fuel pumps exploding?
  8. Either way both of them are the size of a Range Rover.
  9. The only concern for me would be the weather... If the weather for a 1-2 day trek is solid, I say just ride it home. Little adventures like that are memorable, for better or for worse, but always a good story.
  10. This whole conversation is going to be completely different for everyone, a pointless video. Sure if you have some knowledge and mechanical skills, you could get lucky purchasing old crap and selling it for more or breaking even. But life is short, it's nice to have something new, with a warranty, and no worries of having to dick with it when it breaks. Worrying about socking away a minuscule car payment every month is looking at it completely wrong. If a small car payment is make or break its time to focus on a different career or figure out another source of income.
  11. That amg is ugly. I'd take the atsv in manual.
  12. It's already said to make 600+ hp.....
  13. If you like shifting every 3 seconds, and being at annoying RPMs while highway cruising.
  14. Pretty cool, don't bother ever thinking you will make money though. Just avoid that venture altogether...
  15. Interior sucks, exterior leaves a lot to be desired for the price but it's a great engineering feat. I like them.
  16. http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1212/4798801/9950206/411591432.jpg
  17. I love how you just stay in it :lolguy: ZERO brake lights :fuuuu:
  18. These look great. Hows the handling compared to the ST?
  19. Sure the V is quicker, but the M3 is a much better driving car. Exhaust note of these are great to boot, nice score.
  20. Yep. It's no longer branded as a diesel only oil either, the back shows use for cars as well.
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