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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. Pretty much forced to go with one company in the area.
  2. I tried that with my business internet connection and home connection, they told me to pound sand :lolguy:
  3. They all belong to a service I own. Yeah you're right, going to look into Mailchimp today. Thanks
  4. That might work, looks like a small pain in the ass. Thanks!
  5. I converted them over to a spreadsheet, but have no idea how to do what you suggested... Is there some type of service where I can just import the spreadsheet?
  6. Wish I was in town Stepped back on the ice last weekend for the first time in almost 10 years, weird feeling.
  7. I'm looking to mass email my customers, from one of my businesses. Does anyone know of the easiest way to do this? Any free examples? Just want to send out something basic, nothing fancy. Roughly 10k emails...... I've never had to do this, but it's the easiest way to get what I want accomplished.
  8. Sounds great http://jalopnik.com/listen-to-the-ford-gts-600-horsepower-twin-turbo-v6-bu-1680248013
  9. It was national news awhile back...
  10. Dinan is the one who offers his own warranty.
  11. No way. You can see the owner uploaded the video and tried to delete it. Give him a call on his cell 508-665-9333
  12. Doesn't matter. The car will have zero problems selling. I see the motor choice as a positive, seeing another truck motor wouldn't be exciting.
  13. Yep, he said at one point he was close to a boat but couldn't signal it. Life jackets generally have whistles on them for a reason..
  14. Yep. My company is incredibly small and it costs nearly 7 figures a year.... It's only a matter of time...
  15. I really like it, interior is a bit weird though. I see some 458 in it
  16. Yeah I know, just wish it wasn't so ugly. Given the million versions they've made of the car, it will be interesting to see how the market plays out with them over the long run.
  17. As an engineer I marvel the veryon, but did they have to make it so damn ugly?! Laferrari is beautiful in person.
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