If you don't mind me asking.... How much did this cost?
I have been thinking about having my stock 17's on my GTO powder coated black.... I would like to get an idea on how much it would cost.
If you closed tha gap up to say... .045 and never went higher than a 50 shot..youd probably be ok. But the TR-55 is not to be used with any significant amount of nitrous. The electrode protrudes too far into the combustion area and will become red hot acting like a glow plug and inducing preignition. So you might as well change them..... Gap the TR6's to .037.
You will get your fuel supply from the test port on the fuel rail.
Good point! He can have the cycle duty checked during the tune. But, for a 75 wet shot.... I think he should be fine for now.... Though it is not recomended that you spray any shot without checking the AFR to make sure you do not go lean....
Not real familar with that kit. But, here is a wiring diagram to wire it all together.... Hope this helps!
Hi! My name is Matt. I drive a 2004 GTO that is modded. Thought I'd sign-up here and see what you guys are about!.... It is always nice to chat with fellow enthusiast!