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Everything posted by Spieldawg
This will be the best rally we ever put on yet, The days aren't too long, the right amount of checkpoints.. and racetracks.. Seriously this is the best value for a 5 day road rally on the planet... and still experience rallies that cost thousands more.. --Scott
Columbus Racing!!! We meet again! Just wanted to put this out for you guys again, and we are hard at work planning our 5th Anniversary Road Rally, and this one is the biggest and best one we have planned so far! We have picked up major traction in the car culture/community and this year we are proud to say we are bringing on Matt Farrah and The Smoking Tire, http://www.thesmokingtire.com as our video coverage team. This years Route will begin close to home for us and in Martinsburg West Virginia, and Day 1 layover will be in Athens Ohio. We will be navigating through some of the most scenic and historic parts of America this year as we explore Highway 50, and as in True RNA fashion every day (except day 4) will have a racing venue lined up. The entire Event will take place July 6th - 11th 2014. Start Line: Downtown Martinsburg WV Day 1 Martinsburg WV Day 2 Athens Oh Day 3 Bedford Indiana Day 4 Jefferson City Missouri Day 5 Dodge City Kansas Finish Line: Pueblo Colorado. The cost of the rally is $400.00 to Rally North America and $100.00 mandatory donation to The Accelerated Cure Project for MS. All the information regarding the Rally can be found at: http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/node/13 I'll drop this off here as well Day 1 of our Rally from 2013 -- Over $90,000 raised for Camp Sunshine!! Please email me at scott.spielman@hotmail.com if you have any questions.
Casper, Not saying you can't but it would be a major challege to do so on a bike. I know a lot have asked, and they all opted to drive a car or truck. We are at 22 teams registered, and we will be capped around 45 due to lodging ... so If you guys want to get in I hope you do so sooner than later. After September 1st the rooms go back into the regular pool and then they will cost 3 times as much to get. --Scott
Well Rally New England is in the Books. I can say, that I have never experienced that much emotion in a single road rally in my life. Anyways, Those of you who are on the fence, need to get in as soon as possible, the rooms at French Lick are going faster than I hoped, and now our field can only be 59 cars big, and will only get smaller as the time goes on. Right now we have 20 registered teams.. and if you want in, NOW is the time. So please if your going register ASAP! The first weekend in October is going to be a beautiful drive through some of the best roads this area has to offer. Hurry Up. http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/node/13
Just want to bring this back to the top. We have about 14 registrants now, and after the Rally New England event we will have more. So far we only have Doc signed up for this.. from CR. Was hoping to see a few more. --Scott
Event Flyer! If you want print it out and plaster it all over columbus! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/spieldawg/OV700FLYER3_zps45543139.png
Just a heads up, we had a few drop outs at the last minute, I may have some room if anyone is interested.. Also if you are looking for a fall event, I am hosting a local one here a few threads down, The Ohio Valley 700.. Beavercreek-French Lick-Beavercreek run.. .. Just hit me up..
Lookin good Mojoe!
Please make sure to make the $100.00 donation
Cost: $100.00 + $100.00 donation to the Western Ohio Epilepsy Foundation. Step 1. Fill out the Form below Step 2: Paypal sent to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=T8XR3DUMT88WS Step 3: Goto http://www.ohiovalley700.kintera.org, and make the $100.00 donation. Step 4: Make your hotel reservations Pre&Post Rally Hotel: Holiday Inn Express 5655 Wilmington Pike Centerville, Ohio 45459 888 465 4329 (Friday $99.00 or $129 for a Suite/Sunday $89.00/119.00) http://www.hiexpress.com/redirect?path=hd&brandCode=ex&localeCode=en®ionCode=1&hotelCode=CPKOH&_PMID=99801505&GPC=RNA&blpu=true Code 1013RNA Destination Hotel: French Lick Resort & Casino 8670 West State Road 56 | French Lick, Indiana 47432 888.936.9360 (Cost $165.00) Step 5: Raise as much funds as you can! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Registration is Open, the charity page is still not set up, so if you want in, follow the instructions a http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/node/13 and we can make the donation at a later date, (by the end of the week I am sure) --Scott
Thank you guys for all the good feedback, it means a lot to me and means I am doing my job right. I hope to have at least 50 cars.. the decal packages won't be as complicated or as big since entry is $100.00 but I still intend on doing something. Seriously all these guys are right, Its a great time, and there is always so much to see, and its always great to make new friends! --Scott
Just wanted to drop a little note to invite for a Rally North America Event, Coming up in October, 4th-6th .. A road rally celebrating the life of Cody Converse, a dear friend to myself, my family and Rally North America who died of SUDEP, Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy... He was only 17 years old. Event info can be found here: http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/node/13 Also please if you haven't already like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RallyNorthAmerica as most of the event information and our rally feeds from all our events will be posted there. Registration Opens up on June 11th 2013, Cody's Birthday. Friday Night at "The Greene" will be mandatory, for event registration and pre rally meeting in the Towne Square. Also, We will be departing from the Greene on Saturday Morning at 9:00 Sharp.. Staging will begin at 8:00... in order of donations. In True Rally North America Fashion, lets go out and change some lives! --Scott
C'mon Doc... the rooster is screaming your name!!
Hello Guys, I am back again.. I just wanted to invite you to a more local road rally... 4/5/6 May 2012 The Rooster Challenge The first Rally event for 2012 will be the ROOSTER challenge .. this will be a 2 day event, starting Friday night the 4th Pre Rally meeting, Party... then Day 1 Saturday MAY 5th Will be the Scavenger Hunt portion and then we roll in to sunday which will be the Checkpoint portion. The main details are still in work. Starting location maybe Covington.. KY or close to there.... Talking with the Rally Master.... it will be a loop type event with the start and finish at the hotel... The website is still being updated... hotel to be determined.. If your interested Please let me know. http://www.theroosterchallenge.com I promise you guys this is a great event. I have ran in it twice... and it is a blast!!!! If your interested please email me at scott.spielman@hotmail.com or red9fab@gmail.com --Scott
This is not a Rally North America sponsored Rally, but I ran in this one last fall and it was a GREAT event. If you ever wanted to do a rally, this is one not to miss. Its based out of nothern ky.. but will most likely encompass SW Ohio, NKY, and SE Indiana.. I cannot emphasize this enough... this shit ROCKS!!! http://WWW.THEROOSTERCHALLENGE.COM http://www.theroosterchallenge.com/joomla/rooster/images/icetheme/iceslideshow/chicken2011.jpg The Rooster Challenge is an organization, whose main goal is to raise money for and help create awareness for breast cancer research. We put on road rallies and other auto related events with the car enthusiast in mind. Our events do their best to appeal to all walks of life; from soccer moms in mini vans to gearheads in blown big block muscle cars. On this page you will always find the upcoming Rooster Challenge event. We try to put on at least 2 events per year, with some small get-togethers in between if there's interest. Check out the current upcoming event below. Spring 2011 Event - The Spring Chicken, Hunt For The Cure Date / Time - The Chicken will run over May 6th and 7th. The event will begin at 8:00 pm on Friday night and finish up on Saturday evening at 6:00 pm, with mingling and partying afterwards. Location - The start, finish and any other festivities of the event will be at the Red 9 Fabrication & Speed shop. Address is 935 2nd Avenue, Dayton KY 41074. Price - $50 pre-reg, $75 day of (stupid cheap price for a ton of fun!) Event Details - This spring's event is going to be scavenger hunt style. Your 2-man team will have 22 hours to get as many points as possible. Points are gained by checking things off of the official list. The list is made up of a combination of photos opps, trivia questions, and physical items to hunt down. The photo opps portion will require your team to get a picture of your team car and/or rally towel in front of a certain landmark, or doing some sort of stunt. For example: A photo of your team in front of the Cincinnati Museum Center. Or, a photo of your team car inside a freight elevator. Points per item will be based on the difficulty or distance of the photo opp. The trivia portion is just that; obscure auto/cincinnati related questions. For example; What does BMW stand for? Points again based on difficulty to find these answers. The physical items portion is just what it sounds like. Your team will be looking for certain items that you will have to bring back to the finish line with you. Some will be GPS coordinate related, others will be hard to find obscure items. Points again based on the difficulty in finding the items. Teams will be judged and points will be tallied at the end of the event. The winner is the team that gets the most points, it's that simple. Prizes - Cash, swag, awesome stuff, and a sense of pride that you have helped with the hunt for the cure for breast cancer.
Well being by Dayton around 10
I was planning on 10 am from Dayton. I emailed doc... Is 9 good for you?
Hey guys, I know jeff is leaving later, but what are Seth and doc gonna do?
you wont know the route til you get to the start lol! muahahahahah
Well its getting to be crunch time. Final participant count 51 teams. 30 Starting out of Joliet, and 21 starting out of Fontana!! I hired a professional film crew to film the entire event, The Mob Theory(both starts from the east and the west and the entire route). He is going to make it into a documentary type DVD. We have a prime sponsor, CJ Pony Parts, and a few seconday, Car Domain, Hagerty Insurance, Zenith Motorsports (Sells a bunch of the Hero HD Cams so if you want one let me know) and Summit Racing, and I have Rockstar Energy Drinks and Enterprise rental car on the fence. So far we have raised over $2000.00 for our Charity, The Stefanie Spielman Fund, and the rally hasn't even started yet!! Also we have teams from about 30 of the 50 states coming from as far as Maine to participate, 4 teams total out of the New England area... Not to mention, we have TV, Radio and newspaper coverage from Chicao to LA. Now I just got to get the time to get my car ready, just dropped 800 on tires, and I still need to fix my diff leak, replace my front brakes and other minor maintenance stuff. Stay tuned to next year. We are looking at setting up something along the Skyline drive in NC/SC. A little closer to home! I also want to add, Thank you guys for your support, 3 teams off one site is remarkable, I wish all forums were like this. Would have made my job alot easier.
I gotta leave that morning so I can be at the motel by 2 or 3
Awespme We need to set up the rallying point so we can all cruise up there together
Whatcha gonna bring??
Seth, did you get your decals yet? Everyone from here should have them by now.